El equilibrio económico financiero del contrato y las prestaciones adicionales en las contrataciones del Estado: A propósito de las materias no sujetas a los mecanismos de solución de controversias
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la presente investigación, se busca cuestionar la existencia de materias no sometidas a los mecanismos de solución de controversias que contempla el Texto Único Ordenado de la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado. Dicho cuestionamiento tiene como sustento al principio de equilibrio económico financiero del contrato, ya que las referidas materias excluidas son aquellas que derivan de la falta de aprobación o aprovación parcial de prestaciones adicionales, o lo que es lo mismo, del ejercicio de una potestad exorbitante. Así, en el entendido que el mencionado principio cumple la función de proteger al contratista de las decisiones unilaterales de la Administración Pública, una interpretación extensiva del mismo debería permitir que tales controversias se ventilen a través de los medios que la Ley prevé, y no por medio de Poder Judicial.
The following research attempts to question the existence of issues non evaluated under the dispute resolution mechanisms, which is contemplated under the Unique Ordered Text of the Public Procurement Laws. The questioning uses as an argument the principle of economic and financial balance of the contract, because the excluded issues are derived from the lack of approval, or partial approval of additional renderings; which is the same as the exercise of an exorbitant power. Moreover, understating that the mentioned principle complies with the function of protecting a contractor from the unilateral decisions of the Public Administration, an extensive interpretation should allow that such controversies be evaluated under the mediums that the law provides, and not through the State Judicial Power.
The following research attempts to question the existence of issues non evaluated under the dispute resolution mechanisms, which is contemplated under the Unique Ordered Text of the Public Procurement Laws. The questioning uses as an argument the principle of economic and financial balance of the contract, because the excluded issues are derived from the lack of approval, or partial approval of additional renderings; which is the same as the exercise of an exorbitant power. Moreover, understating that the mentioned principle complies with the function of protecting a contractor from the unilateral decisions of the Public Administration, an extensive interpretation should allow that such controversies be evaluated under the mediums that the law provides, and not through the State Judicial Power.
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