Contratación pública y la experiencia de los Juegos Panamericanos. El modelo de gestión que promueve el gobierno
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Entre julio y septiembre del 2019 se llevaron a cabo en Lima los XVIII Juegos Panamericanos y Sextos Juegos Parapanamericanos, el mayor evento deportivo organizado y ejecutado por el Perú. Para llevar a cabo este gran reto, el Proyecto Especial a cargo de la preparación y desarrollo de los Juegos utilizó diferentes herramientas de contratación y gestión que le permitieron cumplir a tiempo con las obligaciones que el Perú asumió como país organizador.En la actualidad, el Gobierno viene promoviendo el modelo de gestión que se empleó en los Juegos Panamericanos para la ejecución de inversiones y, a su vez, diferentes Entidades, tales como la Autoridad para la Reconstrucción con Cambios, el Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones y el Ministerio de Salud han suscrito o se encuentran próximos a suscribir contratos con otros Estado con características similares al suscrito con el Reino Unido para los Juegos Panamericanos. En atención a ello, cada vez son más las Entidades que buscan replicar dicho modelo para lograr sus propios objetivos institucionales, muchas veces, sin conocer los alcances de los principales mecanismos empleados para el logro del éxito de los Juegos Panamericanos. Debido a la trascendencia que viene adquiriendo este tema, en el presente artículo desarrollaré, desde mi experiencia, algunos de los principales aspectos del modelo empleado en los Juegos Panamericanos, con especial énfasis en el Contrato de Gobierno a Gobierno, a efectos de promover el debate sobre su conveniencia.
Between July and September of 2019, the XVIII Pan American Games and Sixth Parapan American Games, the largest sporting event organized and executed by Peru, were held in Lima. To carry out this great challenge, the Special Project in charge of the preparation and execution of said games used different contracting and management mechanisms and tools that allowed it to comply in time with the obligations that Peru assumed as the organizing country.Currently, the Government is promoting the management model used in the Panamerican Games for the execution of the public investments. Also, different government bodies, such as the Ministry of transport and communications and the Ministry of Health, have executed or are about to execute contracts with other Governments with similar characteristics to the one executed for the Panamerican Games with the United Kingdom. In this regard, more and more Entities are seeking to replicate this model to achieve their own institutional objectives, often with no knowledge about the scope of the main mechanisms used to achieve the success of the Pan American Games.Due to the importance of this matter, in this article I will describe, from my experience, some of the main aspects of the model used in the Panamerican Games, with special emphasis in the Government to Government Contract, in order to promote the debate about its convenience.
Between July and September of 2019, the XVIII Pan American Games and Sixth Parapan American Games, the largest sporting event organized and executed by Peru, were held in Lima. To carry out this great challenge, the Special Project in charge of the preparation and execution of said games used different contracting and management mechanisms and tools that allowed it to comply in time with the obligations that Peru assumed as the organizing country.Currently, the Government is promoting the management model used in the Panamerican Games for the execution of the public investments. Also, different government bodies, such as the Ministry of transport and communications and the Ministry of Health, have executed or are about to execute contracts with other Governments with similar characteristics to the one executed for the Panamerican Games with the United Kingdom. In this regard, more and more Entities are seeking to replicate this model to achieve their own institutional objectives, often with no knowledge about the scope of the main mechanisms used to achieve the success of the Pan American Games.Due to the importance of this matter, in this article I will describe, from my experience, some of the main aspects of the model used in the Panamerican Games, with special emphasis in the Government to Government Contract, in order to promote the debate about its convenience.
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