La importancia del concepto de permisión en los sistemas normativos y en el marco de los estados constitucionales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación analiza la importancia del concepto de permisión en los sistemas normativos a partir de la idea de que este no solo significa ausencia de prohibición, y que no basta con las nociones de prohibición/obligación para explicar dichos sistemas. En ese sentido, tomando como principal referente la teoría clásica de Carlos E. Alchourron y Eugenio Bulygin sobre los significados del término deóntico “permitido” según su uso prescriptivo y descriptivo, así como la distinción entre el ámbito de los sistemas normativos y el ámbito del razonamiento jurídico, la autora plantea que si bien una “conducta no prohibida” puede interpretarse como una “conducta permitida”, esta interpretación no es suficiente para considerar que dicha conducta se encuentra regulada y disponible para el sujeto. En cuanto al análisis práctico de las normas permisivas, principalmente en el marco de los estados constitucionales, la autora explica la utilidad de estas para clausurar los sistemas jurídicos, generar la obligación de facilitar (o la prohibición de no interferir en) la acción referida en el permiso, y delimitar las competencias normativas cuando existen autoridades jerárquicamente ordenadas.
This research analyzes the importance of the concept of permission in normative systems based on the idea that it does not only mean absence of prohibition, and that the notions of prohibition / obligation are not enough to explain these systems. In this sense, taking as main referent the classical theory of Carlos E. Alchourron and Eugenio Bulygin on the meanings of the deontic term “permitted” according to its prescriptive and descriptive use, as well as the distinction between the field of the normative systems and the field of legal reasoning, the author suggests that although a “non-prohibited conduct” can be interpreted as an “permitted conduct”, this interpretation is not sufficient to consider that such conduct is regulated and available to the subject. Regarding the practical analysis of permissive rules, mainly in the framework of constitutional states, the author explains the utility of these to close the legal systems, generate the obligation to facilitate or the prohibition of not interfering in the action referred in the permit, and delimit the normative powers when there are hierarchically ordered authorities.
This research analyzes the importance of the concept of permission in normative systems based on the idea that it does not only mean absence of prohibition, and that the notions of prohibition / obligation are not enough to explain these systems. In this sense, taking as main referent the classical theory of Carlos E. Alchourron and Eugenio Bulygin on the meanings of the deontic term “permitted” according to its prescriptive and descriptive use, as well as the distinction between the field of the normative systems and the field of legal reasoning, the author suggests that although a “non-prohibited conduct” can be interpreted as an “permitted conduct”, this interpretation is not sufficient to consider that such conduct is regulated and available to the subject. Regarding the practical analysis of permissive rules, mainly in the framework of constitutional states, the author explains the utility of these to close the legal systems, generate the obligation to facilitate or the prohibition of not interfering in the action referred in the permit, and delimit the normative powers when there are hierarchically ordered authorities.
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