El Fracking: Un preocupante dilema entre la independencia energética y el impacto socio-ambiental
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En los últimos años, la controvertida técnica de la fracturación hidráulica o fracking ha comenzado a generalizarse como método para procurar o incrementar la extracción de gas y petróleo del subsuelo, revolucionando el mundo de la industria gasística y petrolera. No obstante, sus detractores arguyen en su contra la alarma social y medioambiental que provoca la fracturación hidráulica, dado su impacto sobre el medio ambiente y sobre la salud humana. Por el contrario, los partidarios del fracking fundamentan su defensa en que este procedimiento extractivo no dista mucho de otras técnicas de perforación, en la falta de sustento científico sobre sus riesgos reales, en el beneficio y la independencia económica que supone para el desarrollo energético de los países que lo utilizan, al procurar su autoabastecimiento energético, y en la riqueza que genera. En el presente estudio se analizan, además de los impactos medioambientales y sociales del fracking, su actual marco regulatorio en España, fundamentalmente tras las importantes sentencias del Tribunal Constitucional 106/2014, 134/2014, 208/2014 y 73/2016, la posición de la Unión Europea respecto al fracking y el estado de la cuestión en Perú; proponiéndose que, permitido el uso de la fracturación hidráulica por el Estado español, se complemente con el establecimiento de medidas adicionales de protección en materia de medio ambiente por las Comunidades Autónomas ex artículo 149.1.23ª de la Constitución Española, respetando las competencias legislativas básicas del Estado sobre protección del medio ambiente, régimen minero y energético y coordinación de la planificación general de la actividad económica.
In recent years, the controversial technique of hydraulic fracturing or fracking has begun to be generalized as a method for ensuring or increasing the extraction of gas and oil from underground, revolutionizing the world of gasística and oil industry. However, critics argue the social and environmental disquiet caused by hydraulic fracturing, given its impact on the environment and human health against him. By contrast, supporters of fracking base their defense on this extractive procedure is not far from other drilling techniques, lack of scientific support for their real risk, benefit and economic independence which is for energy development countries that use it, to ensure its energy self-sufficiency, and the wealth it generates. In the present study, we analyze, in addition to the environmental and social impacts of fracking, the current regulatory framework in Spain, mainly after important judgments of the Constitutional Court 106/2014, 134/2014, 208/2014 and 73/2016, the position of the European Union regarding fracking and the state of affairs in Peru; purposing that allowed the use of hydraulic fracturing by the Spanish State, be complemented by the establishment of additional protection measures in the environment by the Autonomous Communities ex Article 149.1.23ª of the Spanish Constitution, respecting the basic legislative powers State environmental protection, mining and energy and coordination of general planning of economic activity.
In recent years, the controversial technique of hydraulic fracturing or fracking has begun to be generalized as a method for ensuring or increasing the extraction of gas and oil from underground, revolutionizing the world of gasística and oil industry. However, critics argue the social and environmental disquiet caused by hydraulic fracturing, given its impact on the environment and human health against him. By contrast, supporters of fracking base their defense on this extractive procedure is not far from other drilling techniques, lack of scientific support for their real risk, benefit and economic independence which is for energy development countries that use it, to ensure its energy self-sufficiency, and the wealth it generates. In the present study, we analyze, in addition to the environmental and social impacts of fracking, the current regulatory framework in Spain, mainly after important judgments of the Constitutional Court 106/2014, 134/2014, 208/2014 and 73/2016, the position of the European Union regarding fracking and the state of affairs in Peru; purposing that allowed the use of hydraulic fracturing by the Spanish State, be complemented by the establishment of additional protection measures in the environment by the Autonomous Communities ex Article 149.1.23ª of the Spanish Constitution, respecting the basic legislative powers State environmental protection, mining and energy and coordination of general planning of economic activity.
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