Género: Una marca registrada con ideología
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo de esta investigación es entregar en las manos del lector, un análisis profundo, que seguramente generará debate, en referencia a lo que pretende llegar a influenciar, el moderno concepto atribuido al termino Género, sobre una sociedad que todavía reconoce al ser humano como hombre o mujer, como un ser de sexo masculino o femenino. Poniendo por tanto en amenaza latente, a su carácter inescindible. Extrapolando lo acontecido con las marcas notoriamente conocidas, que después de experimentar una metonimia marcaria (vulgarización de la marca), los productos en el mercado pasan a distinguirse, de su sustantivo primigenio a su denominación marcaria, cruzando, en un comienzo de tener dos denominaciones identitarias, a una sola. Convirtiéndose en predominante para el subconsciente colectivo, la denominación relativa a su marca. En igual forma, por la metonimia identitaria, se reemplaza la identidad primigenia del ser humano, de hombre o mujer, por una denominación de género, asignada por el género ideologizado (ideología de género), expandiéndose en estos días alrededor del mundo, y contenida en un listado variopinto que según algunos especialistas ya superaría los más de 100 géneros registrados y reconocidos por los organismos y entidades, que lejos de entender los devastadores efectos que desplegaría sobre nuestra propia identidad, y sobre nuestra sexualidad humana, que es la que precisamente otorga a la persona un rasgo inalterable e indivisible, los promueven clasificándoles según una ambigua construcción social que la persona sienta infaliblemente haber forjado, para ser determinada con una identidad que se adecue a un perfil elaborado ideológicamente, y que está exclusivamente ligado a su orientación sexual.
The objective of the research is to deliver a deep analysis in the hands of the reader, which will surely generate debate, in reference to influence of the modern concept attributed to the term Gender has over a society that still recognizes the human being as a man or a woman, as a male or female being. Putting therefore in latent threat, its inescindible character. Extrapolating what happened with well-known brands, in which the products on the market, after experiencing a brand metonymy (brand vulgarization), become distinguished, from their original noun to their brand name, passing, at the beginning of having two identity denominations, on one. Becoming predominant for the collective subconscious, the name relative to its brand. In the same way, by the identity metonymy, in which the original identity of the human being, of man or woman, is replaced with a gender denomination, assigned by the ideologized gender (gender ideology), expanding these days around the world, and contained in a diverse list that according to some specialists would already exceed more than 100 genders registered and recognized by organisms and entities, which far from understanding the devastating effects that it would unfold on our own identity, and on our human sexuality, which is precisely what they give the person an unalterable and indivisible trait, they promote them classifying them according to an ambiguous social construction that the person infallibly feels they have forged, to be determined with an identity that fits a profile drawn up ideologically, and is exclusively linked to their sexual orientation.
The objective of the research is to deliver a deep analysis in the hands of the reader, which will surely generate debate, in reference to influence of the modern concept attributed to the term Gender has over a society that still recognizes the human being as a man or a woman, as a male or female being. Putting therefore in latent threat, its inescindible character. Extrapolating what happened with well-known brands, in which the products on the market, after experiencing a brand metonymy (brand vulgarization), become distinguished, from their original noun to their brand name, passing, at the beginning of having two identity denominations, on one. Becoming predominant for the collective subconscious, the name relative to its brand. In the same way, by the identity metonymy, in which the original identity of the human being, of man or woman, is replaced with a gender denomination, assigned by the ideologized gender (gender ideology), expanding these days around the world, and contained in a diverse list that according to some specialists would already exceed more than 100 genders registered and recognized by organisms and entities, which far from understanding the devastating effects that it would unfold on our own identity, and on our human sexuality, which is precisely what they give the person an unalterable and indivisible trait, they promote them classifying them according to an ambiguous social construction that the person infallibly feels they have forged, to be determined with an identity that fits a profile drawn up ideologically, and is exclusively linked to their sexual orientation.
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