La protección de los Derecho Humanos en la ley de la Jurisdicción Contenciosa Administrativa en Nicaragua
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este artículo, presenta, un análisis de la relación entre los derechos humanos, la tutela judicial efectiva, y el contencioso administrativo. El derecho fundamental de toda persona de acceder a tribunales independientes en procura de Justicia proclamado en el art. 10 de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos de 1945, también fue ampliamente reconocido, aunque en algunos casos con formulaciones diferentes, tanto en el derecho europeo y americano, como en tratados internacionales; y en las leyes Contenciosas Administrativas.
This article presents an analysis of the relationship between human rights, effective judicial protection, and administrative litigation. The fundamental right of every person to access independent courts for justice proclaimed in art. 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1945, was also widely recognized, although in some cases with different formulations, both in European and American law, and in international treaties; and in the Contentious Administrative laws.
This article presents an analysis of the relationship between human rights, effective judicial protection, and administrative litigation. The fundamental right of every person to access independent courts for justice proclaimed in art. 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1945, was also widely recognized, although in some cases with different formulations, both in European and American law, and in international treaties; and in the Contentious Administrative laws.
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