Aspectos fundamentales de la configuración actual de la potestad disciplinaria de la Administración Pública española sobre el personal a su servicio
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La regulación básica de los principios rectores del ejercicio de la potestad disciplinaria de la Administración Pública española sobre el personal a su servicio, así como de los principios del procedimiento para el ejercicio de esta potestad está establecida en el Real Decreto Legislativo 5/2015, de 30 de octubre, por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley del Estatuto Básico del Empleado Público. Estas disposiciones se completan con las normas que corresponde dictar al Estado y a las Comunidades Autónomas. Por el momento, el Estado no ha dictado la legislación de desarrollo aplicable a su propio personal. El EBEP ha formulado los principios rectores de la potestad disciplinaria en términos muy similares a los principios que, con carácter general, rigen el ejercicio de la potestad sancionadora administrativa. La jurisprudencia del orden contencioso-administrativo interpreta y completa el marco normativo del Derecho disciplinario, considerado como una manifestación del Derecho Administrativo Sancionador, al mismo tiempo que contribuye a perfilar las singularidades de los principios de la potestad sancionadora administrativa en su aplicación al ámbito disciplinario.
The basic regulation of the guiding principles of the exercise of the Spanish Public Administration’s disciplinary power over its personnel, and the principles of the procedure for exercising this power, is stipulated in Royal Legislative Decree 5/2015, of 30 October, which approves the Revised Text of the Law of the Basic Public Employees Statute (BPES). These provisions are completed with the regulations that must be issued by the Spanish Government and the Autonomous Communities. The Spanish Government has not yet passed legislation applicable to its own personnel. The BPES formulated the guiding principles of disciplinary authority under very similar terms to the general principles that govern the exercise of the administrative power to impose penalties.The jurisprudence concerning contentious-administrative matters interprets and completes the regulatory framework of disciplinary law, considered to fall within Administrative Law, while at the same time contributing to outlining the characteristics of the principles of the administrative power to impose penalties as it applies to the disciplinary field.
The basic regulation of the guiding principles of the exercise of the Spanish Public Administration’s disciplinary power over its personnel, and the principles of the procedure for exercising this power, is stipulated in Royal Legislative Decree 5/2015, of 30 October, which approves the Revised Text of the Law of the Basic Public Employees Statute (BPES). These provisions are completed with the regulations that must be issued by the Spanish Government and the Autonomous Communities. The Spanish Government has not yet passed legislation applicable to its own personnel. The BPES formulated the guiding principles of disciplinary authority under very similar terms to the general principles that govern the exercise of the administrative power to impose penalties.The jurisprudence concerning contentious-administrative matters interprets and completes the regulatory framework of disciplinary law, considered to fall within Administrative Law, while at the same time contributing to outlining the characteristics of the principles of the administrative power to impose penalties as it applies to the disciplinary field.
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