Rediseño operacional para combatir la criminalidad organizada y fortalecer la acción penal del Ministerio Público, frente a la reducida coordinación entre los órganos de inteligencia de la PNP y el MININTER, con los efectivos policiales de investigación criminal en el marco de las investigaciones desarrolladas bajo la conducción jurídica de la Fiscalía Organizada contra el Crimen Organizado – FECOR, en el ámbito de Lima, hacia el 2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El crimen organizado a nivel mundial es un flagelo que afecta las diversas
esferas de un Estado y el Perú no está ajeno a esta calamidad delictiva. Durante
los últimos años de auge económico, las ganancias han sido importantes para
grandes y pequeños empresarios, formales e informales, la cual se ve afectada
ante la aparición de organizaciones criminales, cuyo modus operandi violento es
preocupante y con una tendencia a elevarse, que es necesario neutralizar. Esta
situación se agrava cuando los operadores de justicia (Policía, Ministerio Público
y Poder Judicial) no son eficientes en sus operaciones, ya sea debido a una
reducida o nula coordinación, falta de sinergia, o cuando han sido contaminados
por actos de corrupción generando una sensación de inseguridad y carencia de
El presente proyecto atribuye como principales causas del problema, la
débil interacción entre los órganos de inteligencia policial y la DIGIMIN con los
efectivos de investigación criminal, la práctica de paradigmas desfasados y la
falta de una decisión del Comando Policial para definir equipos especiales
integrados. Frente a ello, se propone la aplicación de la Inteligencia Operativa
Policial (IOP), que empezará desde la etapa de la búsqueda de información,
seguido de procedimientos operativos y la reunión de los elementos de
convicción a cargo de los agentes de inteligencia aplicando técnicas y
habilidades, con una labor horizontal, coordinada y en equipo con el investigador
para fortalecer la acción penal del Fiscal y lograrse un trinomio efectivo
(Inteligencia – Investigación Criminal – Fiscalía), como resultado de una
coordinación e interactuación mutua y oportuna, necesaria hoy para
contrarrestar el crimen organizado.
Organized crime worldwide is a scourge that affects the various spheres of a State and Peru is no stranger to this criminal calamity. During the last years of economic boom, the number of criminal organizations has been increasing. This situation is aggravated when the justice operators (Police, Public Ministry and Judicial Power) are not efficient in their operations, either due to reduced or no coordination, lack of synergy, or when they have been contaminated by acts of corruption generating a sense of insecurity and lack of justice. The present project attributes as main causes of the problem identified the weak interaction between the police intelligence bodies and the DIGIMIN with the criminal investigation forces, the practice of outdated paradigms and the lack of a decision of the Police Command to define integrated special teams. Against this, the application of Police Operational Intelligence is proposed, which will begin from the stage of information search and gathering of the elements of conviction by intelligence agents, through techniques and skills, as well as horizontal and complementary work. that the investigator carries out, strengthening the prosecutor's criminal action, achieving an effective trinomial (Intelligence - Criminal Investigation - Prosecutor's Office), by mutual and timely coordination and interaction.
Organized crime worldwide is a scourge that affects the various spheres of a State and Peru is no stranger to this criminal calamity. During the last years of economic boom, the number of criminal organizations has been increasing. This situation is aggravated when the justice operators (Police, Public Ministry and Judicial Power) are not efficient in their operations, either due to reduced or no coordination, lack of synergy, or when they have been contaminated by acts of corruption generating a sense of insecurity and lack of justice. The present project attributes as main causes of the problem identified the weak interaction between the police intelligence bodies and the DIGIMIN with the criminal investigation forces, the practice of outdated paradigms and the lack of a decision of the Police Command to define integrated special teams. Against this, the application of Police Operational Intelligence is proposed, which will begin from the stage of information search and gathering of the elements of conviction by intelligence agents, through techniques and skills, as well as horizontal and complementary work. that the investigator carries out, strengthening the prosecutor's criminal action, achieving an effective trinomial (Intelligence - Criminal Investigation - Prosecutor's Office), by mutual and timely coordination and interaction.
Palabras clave
Perú. Ministerio Público, Perú. Ministerio del Interior, Policía Nacional (Perú), Crimen organizado--Perú, Investigación criminal--Perú
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