Planeamiento estratégico para Sociedad Eléctrica del Sur Oeste S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Durante los últimos 20 años el Perú ha experimentado un crecimiento económico
constante, sin embargo esta aparente bonanza oculta muchos problemas, ya que sólo son
cifras a nivel macroeconómico que no impactan en la mejora de la calidad de vida. En pro de
superar ésta situación, se han propuesto importantes proyectos en los sectores con mayores
déficits en infraestructura, tal como el sector electricidad, donde se ejecutarán obras de
reforzamiento del Sistema Eléctrico Interconectado Nacional. El sector ha venido mejorando,
en materia de infraestructura y en su estructura organizativa, pasando por una operación
monopólica vertical estatal, a una subdivida en tres sectores: generación, transmisión y
distribución, administrados por diferentes organizaciones, lo que ha fomentado la
competencia, atracción de inversión privada y la mejora la calidad del servicio. Sociedad
Eléctrica del Sur Oeste (SEAL) se encuentra en el subsector de distribución de energía,
suministrando electricidad a hogares e industrias dentro de su área de concesión en el
departamento de Arequipa. A pesar de que SEAL es un monopolio natural, tiene
competidores en el subsector generación, quienes según la legislación vigente, pueden
contratar con clientes industriales bajo ciertas condiciones. Por otro lado las tecnologías de
autoabastecimiento como la fotovoltaica y eólica han venido disminuyendo sus costos de
implementación, haciéndose más accesibles, por lo que se constituyen como nuevos entrantes
y directos competidores. Es por ello que el presente planeamiento estratégico estará orientado
a diseñar estrategias basadas en políticas, valores, una mejorada misión y visión, que
conduzcan a objetivos de largo plazo e hitos de corto plazo medibles y alcanzables basados
en la metodología del modelo secuencial del proceso estratégico a fin de contrarrestar la
influencia de los competidores y llevar a la empresa a alcanzar resultados óptimos, no solo en
el ámbito económico, sino en el social y ambiental de manera sostenible.
During the last 20 years, Peru has experienced constant economic growth, however this apparent bonanza hides many problems, since they are only figures at the macroeconomic level that do not impact the improvement of the quality of life. In order to overcome this situation, important projects have been proposed in the sectors with the greatest infrastructure deficits, such as the electricity sector, where reinforcement works of the National Interconnected Electric System are being carried out. The sector has improved, in terms of infrastructure and its organizational structure, going through a state vertical monopoly operation, to a subdivided into three sectors: generation, transmission and distribution, managed by different organizations, which has encouraged competition, investment attraction private and improves the quality of service. Sociedad Eléctrica del Sur Oeste (SEAL) is in the energy distribution subsector, supplying electricity to homes and industries within its concession area in the department of Arequipa. Although SEAL is a natural monopoly, it has competitors in the subsector generation, who, according to current legislation, can contract with industrial clients under certain conditions. On the other hand, self-supply technologies such as photovoltaic and wind have been decreasing their implementation costs, becoming more accessible, so they have become new entrants and direct competitors. That is why this strategic planning will be aimed at designing strategies based on policies, values, an improved mission and vision, which lead to measurable and attainable long-term objectives and short-term milestones based on the methodology of the sequential model of the strategic process in order to counteract the influence of competitors and lead the company to achieve optimal results, not only in the economic field, but also in the social and environmental areas in a sustainable way.
During the last 20 years, Peru has experienced constant economic growth, however this apparent bonanza hides many problems, since they are only figures at the macroeconomic level that do not impact the improvement of the quality of life. In order to overcome this situation, important projects have been proposed in the sectors with the greatest infrastructure deficits, such as the electricity sector, where reinforcement works of the National Interconnected Electric System are being carried out. The sector has improved, in terms of infrastructure and its organizational structure, going through a state vertical monopoly operation, to a subdivided into three sectors: generation, transmission and distribution, managed by different organizations, which has encouraged competition, investment attraction private and improves the quality of service. Sociedad Eléctrica del Sur Oeste (SEAL) is in the energy distribution subsector, supplying electricity to homes and industries within its concession area in the department of Arequipa. Although SEAL is a natural monopoly, it has competitors in the subsector generation, who, according to current legislation, can contract with industrial clients under certain conditions. On the other hand, self-supply technologies such as photovoltaic and wind have been decreasing their implementation costs, becoming more accessible, so they have become new entrants and direct competitors. That is why this strategic planning will be aimed at designing strategies based on policies, values, an improved mission and vision, which lead to measurable and attainable long-term objectives and short-term milestones based on the methodology of the sequential model of the strategic process in order to counteract the influence of competitors and lead the company to achieve optimal results, not only in the economic field, but also in the social and environmental areas in a sustainable way.
Palabras clave
Empresas eléctricas--Perú, Recursos energéticos--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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