Planeamiento estratégico para la empresa Hipermercados Tottus S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el presente documento se elabora el Planeamiento Estratégico de Hipermercados
Tottus. El plan estratégico es el resultado análisis de los factores internos y externos de
Hipermercados Tottus, con lo cual se pudo identificar las principales oportunidades,
amenazas, fortalezas, y debilidades de Hipermercados Tottus y de la industriaretail. Del
anterior análisis, se pudieron diseñar las estrategias a seguir tomando en cuenta tanto los
objetivos de largo plazo como los objetivos de corto plazo, usando las matrices del proceso
estratégico. Las estrategias establecidas guiarán a Hipermercados Tottus a alcanzar su visión
de acuerdo a la misión establecida. Es preciso mencionar que la visión y misión establecidas
en el presente documento también fueron mejorados con el fin de que tengan consistencia con
la estructura de Hipermercados Tottus.
En una industria muy competitiva y no fragmentada, las estrategias establecidas son de
carácter agresivo. Estas planean penetrar en nuevo mercados, como también ganar
participación de mercado, tanto en mercados nuevos como actuales. Es preciso mencionar,
que la industria retailen el rubro donde participa Hipermercados Tottus es caracterizada por
un uso intensivo de capital, instalaciones y locales de gran envergadura. Del mismo modo, es
importante indicar que las estrategias también estuvieron diseñadas para mejorar la calidad de
servicio y mejorar los procesos, algo que también la industria demanda en gran medida.
The purpose of this work is to propose a Strategic Plan for Hipermercados Tottus. This plan starts with the analysis of the external and internal forces that affect the performance of the retail industry and Hipermercados Tottus, in order to identify the strengths and opportunities to capitalize, and the threatens and weaknesses to minimize. Based on this previous analysis, a set of strategies have been designed using the matrixes of the Strategic Process regarding as long term as short term objectives.These strategies will set the path for allowing Hipermercados Tottus to be able to achieve its vision through its established mission. The current vision and mission of Hipermercados Tottus have been reformulated with consistency according to the strategy and structure of Hipermercados Tottus. The retail industry is very competitive and non-fragmented, thus, all kind of proposed strategies must be aggressive. These are oriented and focused in penetrating new markets and getting a high market share based on a continuous quality and process improvement, all of them featured by a high capital intense industry, where real statement is a great necessity, for enabling a sustained growth.
The purpose of this work is to propose a Strategic Plan for Hipermercados Tottus. This plan starts with the analysis of the external and internal forces that affect the performance of the retail industry and Hipermercados Tottus, in order to identify the strengths and opportunities to capitalize, and the threatens and weaknesses to minimize. Based on this previous analysis, a set of strategies have been designed using the matrixes of the Strategic Process regarding as long term as short term objectives.These strategies will set the path for allowing Hipermercados Tottus to be able to achieve its vision through its established mission. The current vision and mission of Hipermercados Tottus have been reformulated with consistency according to the strategy and structure of Hipermercados Tottus. The retail industry is very competitive and non-fragmented, thus, all kind of proposed strategies must be aggressive. These are oriented and focused in penetrating new markets and getting a high market share based on a continuous quality and process improvement, all of them featured by a high capital intense industry, where real statement is a great necessity, for enabling a sustained growth.
Palabras clave
Supermercados--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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