Barreras al crecimiento económico del sector construcción inmobiliario en la ciudad del Cusco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio identifica las principales barreras al crecimiento
económico del sector construcción inmobiliario en la ciudad del Cusco. Para ello, se
realizó una exploración cualitativa a partir de 20 entrevistas a profundidad a los
gerentes y jefes de proyecto de empresas para que compartan sus experiencias
trabajando en este rubro y conocer cómo ha sido su evolución en los últimos años.
Los resultados muestran que los entrevistados identifican factores que pueden
explicar el lento crecimiento de una economía según la base teórica del presente
estudio. En este marco, las barreras que más se reconocerían y aplicarían serían los
altos costos de financiamiento y los bajos retornos a la inversión. Por otro lado, el
estudio identificó cinco barreras al crecimiento del sector construcción inmobiliario:
(a) altos precios de la tierra, (b) limitado acceso a materiales de construcción, (c)
escasez de mano de obra calificada, (d) dificultad para acceder al crédito, y (e) fallas
del Gobierno.
El estudio concluyó que sí existen barreras para el crecimiento del sector
construcción inmobiliario las cuales han sido identificadas por las opiniones de los
entrevistados y se considera que serán de importante ayuda para las empresas del
sector y futuras investigaciones.
This study identifies the main barriers to economic growth in the housing construction sector in the city of Cusco. For this investigation we used qualitative exploration based on 20 in-depth interviews with managers and project managers of companies regarding their experiences working in this sector and its performance in recent years. The results show that interviews seem to identify the factors that may explain the slow growth of an economy raised in the theoretical basis of this research. In this framework that would be more recognized and applied would be the high financing costs and low returns to the investment. The research identified five barriers to growth in the housing construction industry: (a) high land prices, (b) limited access to building materials, (c) shortage of qualified labor, (d) difficult access to credit, and (e) government failures The study concluded that there are barriers to the growth of real estate construction, as identified by the opinions expressed by the interviewees. We believe this study will be helpful for companies in the sector and for future research.
This study identifies the main barriers to economic growth in the housing construction sector in the city of Cusco. For this investigation we used qualitative exploration based on 20 in-depth interviews with managers and project managers of companies regarding their experiences working in this sector and its performance in recent years. The results show that interviews seem to identify the factors that may explain the slow growth of an economy raised in the theoretical basis of this research. In this framework that would be more recognized and applied would be the high financing costs and low returns to the investment. The research identified five barriers to growth in the housing construction industry: (a) high land prices, (b) limited access to building materials, (c) shortage of qualified labor, (d) difficult access to credit, and (e) government failures The study concluded that there are barriers to the growth of real estate construction, as identified by the opinions expressed by the interviewees. We believe this study will be helpful for companies in the sector and for future research.
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