Calidad en el sector de operadores logísticos y almacenes marítimos y fluviales en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Esta es una investigación de alcance descriptivo, con enfoque cuantitativo, que busca
identificar el nivel de cumplimiento percibido en cada uno de los nueve factores de éxito del
TQM en el sector operadores logísticos y almacenes marítimos y fluviales en el Perú; los
cuales permiten medir el desempeño de las empresas, en cuanto a la gestión de la calidad son
nueve. Estos son los siguientes: (a) Alta Gerencia, (b) Planeamiento de la Calidad, (c)
Auditoría y Evaluación de la Calidad, (d) Diseño del Producto, (e) Gestión de la Calidad del
Proveedor, (f) Control y Mejoramiento del Proceso, (g) Entrenamiento y Educación, y (i)
Enfoque hacia la Satisfacción del Cliente.
La investigación se hizo utilizando el cuestionario TQM, desarrollado por Benzaquen
(2013), donde las respuestas se ajustaban a una escala tipo Likert, mediante la cual las
empresas realizaron una autovaloración del nivel de cumplimiento de distintos aspectos
relacionados con la calidad. La población de estudio estaba integrada por 76 elementos, por
lo que se decidió hacer un censo cubriendo al 100% de las empresas que integran el sector,
donde se entrevistó principalmente al Gerente General. Dado que el diseño del estudio es
transeccional, los resultados que se obtuvieron solamente reflejan la situación que había entre
los meses de julio y septiembre del 2014.
Las conclusiones de la investigación dan a conocer que las empresas peruanas del
sector operadores logísticos y almacenes marítimos y fluviales tienen un buen desempeño en
cada uno de los nueve factores de la calidad, al obtener puntajes entre 4.00 y 4.05, en un
rango de 1.00 a 5.00. Sin embargo, al evaluar la consistencia interna de los nueve factores de
la calidad utilizando el Alfa de Cronbach se conoció que ninguno superaba los valores
mínimos necesarios para poder ser analizados como índices compuestos. Este resultado no
permite, por lo tanto, aplicar el modelo propuesto por Benzaquen (2014) para el sector de
Operadores Logísticos y Almacenes Marítimos y Fluviales del Perú.
This research is a descriptive and explanatory scope, with a quantitative approach, which seeks to identify the level of compliance perceived success factors of TQM in Logistics and Warehouse Operators Maritime and River Sector in Peru. Where success factors to measure the performance of companies in terms of quality management are the following nine: (a) senior management, (b) quality planning, (c) auditing and quality assessment (d) product design, (e) management of supplier quality, (f) control and process improvement, (g) training and education, and (i) focus on customer satisfaction. The research was conducted following the TQM methodology, developed by Benzaquen (2013), using a questionnaire, where responses were consistent with the scale of Lickert. The study population consisted of 76 elements, and therefore a census was done covering 100% of total companies from this sector, where the interview was primarily addressed to the General Manager. Since the study design is transactional, the results obtained reflect only the situation that existed between the months of July and September 2014. Findings indicate that Peruvian companies and Warehouse Logistics Operators Sector Maritime and River have a good performance in each one of the nine quality factors, obtaining scores between 4.00 and 4.05, ranging from 1.00 to 5.00. Which shows a very similar behavior in all elements. However, when assessing the internal consistency of the nine factors of quality using Cronbach's alpha there was found that none exceeded the minimum value needed to be analyzed as composite indexes. This result indicates that methodology designed by Benzaquén (2014) does not apply for the sector of logistics operators in Peru.
This research is a descriptive and explanatory scope, with a quantitative approach, which seeks to identify the level of compliance perceived success factors of TQM in Logistics and Warehouse Operators Maritime and River Sector in Peru. Where success factors to measure the performance of companies in terms of quality management are the following nine: (a) senior management, (b) quality planning, (c) auditing and quality assessment (d) product design, (e) management of supplier quality, (f) control and process improvement, (g) training and education, and (i) focus on customer satisfaction. The research was conducted following the TQM methodology, developed by Benzaquen (2013), using a questionnaire, where responses were consistent with the scale of Lickert. The study population consisted of 76 elements, and therefore a census was done covering 100% of total companies from this sector, where the interview was primarily addressed to the General Manager. Since the study design is transactional, the results obtained reflect only the situation that existed between the months of July and September 2014. Findings indicate that Peruvian companies and Warehouse Logistics Operators Sector Maritime and River have a good performance in each one of the nine quality factors, obtaining scores between 4.00 and 4.05, ranging from 1.00 to 5.00. Which shows a very similar behavior in all elements. However, when assessing the internal consistency of the nine factors of quality using Cronbach's alpha there was found that none exceeded the minimum value needed to be analyzed as composite indexes. This result indicates that methodology designed by Benzaquén (2014) does not apply for the sector of logistics operators in Peru.
Palabras clave
Calidad total, Logística empresarial--Perú, Investigación cuantitativa
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