Planeamiento estratégico para la organización Servicios Turísticos Bon Gourmet E.I.R.L.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio analítico está dirigido hacia la organización Servicios Turísticos
Bon Gourmet (STBG) que abarca actualmente dos marcas comerciales de restaurantes, como
son: El Montonero y Che Carlitos. El estudio desarrollado sigue el Modelo Secuencial del
Proceso Estratégico propuesto por el profesor D’Alessio en 2015, de tal modo que el
resultado es la propuesta de once estrategias retenidas y tres de contingencia para materializar
la visión de ser, para el año 2023, una de las veinticinco organizaciones de restaurantes de
comida peruana más importantes de la región Arequipa en cuanto a rentabilidad, prestigio
internacional y servicio gastronómico.
Del análisis externo se determinó que el Perú ocupa una posición medianamente
importante y emergente dentro del ámbito mundial y, sobre todo, latinoamericano. Por otra
parte, la ciudad de Arequipa está en una posición favorable dentro del ámbito nacional como
segunda ciudad más importante del país. Dadas estas condiciones y sumadas a que la
organización cuenta con experiencia y finanzas saludables, entonces se colige que el
ambiente es inmejorable como para alcanzar los intereses organizacionales que giran en torno
al incremento de la rentabilidad, la elevación del prestigio de la marca, el propicio de la
identidad culinaria, la promoción del compañerismo y el fomento del empleo.
Siendo así, la organización STBG no debería tener obstáculos para lograr su
cometido, no obstante, las cifras financieras y la cuota del mercado evidencian un ligero
retroceso en los últimos años, ante lo cual, se plantea que debe responder con estrategias
agresivas de expansión y reestructuración organizacional empezando por la cultura propia.
This analytical study is aimed at the organization Tourist Services Bon Gourmet (STBG) which currently covers two commercial brands of restaurants, such as: El Montonero and Che Carlitos. The study developed follows the Sequential Model of the Strategic Process proposed by Professor D'Alessio in 2015, so that the result is the proposal of eleven retained and three contingency strategies to materialize the vision of being, by the year 2023, a of the twenty-five organizations of Peruvian food restaurants most important in the Arequipa region in terms of profitability, international prestige and gastronomic service. From the external analysis, it was determined that Peru occupies a moderately important and emergent position within the global scope and above all, Latin American. On the other hand, the city of Arequipa is in a favorable position within the national scope as the second most important city in the country. Given these conditions and added to that the organization has experience and healthy finances, then it’s inferred that the environment is unbeatable to achieve the organizational interests that revolve around the increase of profitability, the elevation of the prestige of the brand, the favorable of culinary identity, the promotion of camaraderie and the promotion of employment. Thus, the STBG organization shouldn’t have obstacles to achieve its mission, however, the financial figures and the market share show a slight decline in recent years, before which, it’s stated that it must respond with aggressive strategies of expansion and organizational restructuring starting with the own culture.
This analytical study is aimed at the organization Tourist Services Bon Gourmet (STBG) which currently covers two commercial brands of restaurants, such as: El Montonero and Che Carlitos. The study developed follows the Sequential Model of the Strategic Process proposed by Professor D'Alessio in 2015, so that the result is the proposal of eleven retained and three contingency strategies to materialize the vision of being, by the year 2023, a of the twenty-five organizations of Peruvian food restaurants most important in the Arequipa region in terms of profitability, international prestige and gastronomic service. From the external analysis, it was determined that Peru occupies a moderately important and emergent position within the global scope and above all, Latin American. On the other hand, the city of Arequipa is in a favorable position within the national scope as the second most important city in the country. Given these conditions and added to that the organization has experience and healthy finances, then it’s inferred that the environment is unbeatable to achieve the organizational interests that revolve around the increase of profitability, the elevation of the prestige of the brand, the favorable of culinary identity, the promotion of camaraderie and the promotion of employment. Thus, the STBG organization shouldn’t have obstacles to achieve its mission, however, the financial figures and the market share show a slight decline in recent years, before which, it’s stated that it must respond with aggressive strategies of expansion and organizational restructuring starting with the own culture.
Palabras clave
Gastronomía--Perú--Arequipa, Turismo--Perú--Arequipa, Planificación estratégica
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