La estrategia en la gerencia en Colombia : un estudio de caso
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo estudiar el grado en que los gerentes,
directivos o presidentes de las empresas colombianas o radicadas en Colombia usan el
planeamiento estratégico como la herramienta fundamental para la gestión de sus empresas, y
cómo estas definiciones impactan la gestión para lograr el crecimiento y la sostenibilidad de
las mismas. Para ello se investigaron diferentes conceptos de estrategia, y mediante el método
de investigación cualitativo de análisis de contenido se pudo analizar el uso e impacto de esta
herramienta gerencial en las empresas de la muestra.
Se seleccionó una muestra de 25 empresas que representan diferentes sectores de la economía
colombiana (agroindustrial, financiero, servicios, telecomunicaciones, logístico y transporte)
localizadas en cinco diferentes ciudades. Se trata de empresas reconocidas dentro de sus
respectivos sectores, con buena participación en el mercado, lo que permite inferir
conclusiones sobre el uso de la estrategia en empresas nacionales.
Para las entrevistas se empleó la técnica de entrevistas en profundidad, para las que se
dispuso de unas preguntas previamente definidas, pero además se ahondó con preguntas
adicionales que permitieron obtener los datos cualitativos que se buscaban. Las entrevistas,
que tomaron entre 30 y 60 minutos, se realizaron a gerentes, directores y presidentes con
amplio conocimiento de su empresa y gran experiencia en el negocio. Esto permitió contar
con respuestas de calidad que pudimos analizar usando el método de análisis de contenido.
Para esto definimos inicialmente unos códigos de búsqueda para cada una de las preguntas, a
fin de analizar las diferentes respuestas y sus tendencias, clasificarlas y buscar relaciones
significativas entre ellas.
El análisis permitió observar que existen ocho códigos con la mayor relevancia que
representan principalmente una tendencia de los directivos sobre la percepción y uso de la
planeación estratégica como herramienta de gestión empresarial. Los códigos serían: (a) planeación estratégica, (b) aspectos en la toma de decisiones, (c) responsabilidad social
empresarial, (d) estructuración de un plan estratégico, (e) planeación estratégica como gestión
permanente, (f) evaluación empresarial, (g) metodología del análisis de riegos y (h)
metodología del plan estratégico.
Los resultados obtenidos de la investigación permiten inferir de la muestra seleccionada lo
El porcentaje de empresas colombianas analizadas que dicen tener desarrollado e
implementado un plan estratégico.
Cómo estructuran dicho plan estratégico, quiénes participan, periodicidad con que se
realizan, cómo se aprueban y establecen los métodos de seguimiento.
La identificación de los diferentes métodos de análisis de riesgos que usan estas
empresas y el uso de herramientas de apoyo.
Los diferentes métodos que se consideran para la evaluación de los resultados de la
La forma en que las compañías realizan la toma de decisiones estratégicas y el grado
de instinto por parte de sus directivos, que se refleja en ellas.
La forma en que las empresas manejan sus políticas de responsabilidad social y su
impacto en estrategias no mercado.
De igual forma se realizó una comparación de los resultados obtenidos en la presente
investigación con los resultados de la investigación realizada para el mercado peruano en el
estudio de Camones, Cedamanos, Lermo y Núñez de 2009 denominado Base de la
Estrategia y su Empleo en la Gerencia en Perú. Se pudieron obtener analogías y diferencias
de la clase dirigente colombiana y la peruana. Esperamos el presente estudio sirva como
referencia para las empresas colombianas en sus planes estratégicos futuros.
This research work aims to study the extent to which managers, executives or presidents of companies based or seated in Colombia, as selected and referenced, use strategic planning as an essential tool for managing their businesses, and how these definitions impact the management to achieve growth and sustainability for them. Therefore, we studied different concepts of strategy, and through the qualitative research method of content analysis we examine the use and impact of this management tool in the sample firms. Twenty five companies representing different sectors of the Colombian economy (agribusiness, financial, services, telecommunications, logistics, and transportation) located in five different cities were selected for the sample; they are companies recognized within their respective sectors, with good market share, allowing us to draw conclusions about the use of the strategy in the in-country firms. In-depth interviews were used as interviewing technique; pre-defined questions were made available, but it was also deepened with additional questions which allowed to obtain the qualitative data sought after. Interviews lasting between 30 and 60 minutes were conducted for managers, directors and presidents with extensive knowledge of their companies and extensive experience in the business, allowing us to obtain quality answers we could analyze using the content analysis method; for this purpose we initially define search codes for each of the questions, in order then to analyze the different responses and their trends, classify and search them for significant relationships between them. The analysis showed that there are eight highly relevant codes mainly representing the tendency of managers on the insight and use of strategic planning as business management tool, as follows: (a) strategic planning, (b) decision making process, (c) corporate social responsibility, (d) strategic plan structuring, (e) strategic planning as ongoing management, (f) corporate measurement, (g) risk analysis methodology and (h) strategic planning methodology. Based on the sample, the research results allow to infer the following: 1. The percentage of Colombian companies that claim to have developed and implemented a strategic plan. 2. How they structure the strategic plan, who participates, their periodicity, how monitoring methods get approved and established. 3. The identification of the different risk analysis methods these companies use and the usage of supporting tools. 4. The different methods considered for the evaluation of the company results. 5. The way companies make strategic decisions and the degree of instinct on behalf of their executive directors, as reflected in them. 6. The way companies manage their social responsibility policies and its impact on nonmarket strategies. In the same way, a comparison was made between the results obtained in this investigation and the results of the research conducted for the Peruvian market by Camones, Cedamanos, Lermo and Núñez (2009) Base de la Estrategia y su Empleo en la Gerencia en Perú [Strategic Framework and its Use for the Peruvian Management Sector], so similarities and differences could be obtained for the Colombian and Peruvian elite. We also hope for this study to serve as a reference for Colombian companies regarding their future strategic plans.
This research work aims to study the extent to which managers, executives or presidents of companies based or seated in Colombia, as selected and referenced, use strategic planning as an essential tool for managing their businesses, and how these definitions impact the management to achieve growth and sustainability for them. Therefore, we studied different concepts of strategy, and through the qualitative research method of content analysis we examine the use and impact of this management tool in the sample firms. Twenty five companies representing different sectors of the Colombian economy (agribusiness, financial, services, telecommunications, logistics, and transportation) located in five different cities were selected for the sample; they are companies recognized within their respective sectors, with good market share, allowing us to draw conclusions about the use of the strategy in the in-country firms. In-depth interviews were used as interviewing technique; pre-defined questions were made available, but it was also deepened with additional questions which allowed to obtain the qualitative data sought after. Interviews lasting between 30 and 60 minutes were conducted for managers, directors and presidents with extensive knowledge of their companies and extensive experience in the business, allowing us to obtain quality answers we could analyze using the content analysis method; for this purpose we initially define search codes for each of the questions, in order then to analyze the different responses and their trends, classify and search them for significant relationships between them. The analysis showed that there are eight highly relevant codes mainly representing the tendency of managers on the insight and use of strategic planning as business management tool, as follows: (a) strategic planning, (b) decision making process, (c) corporate social responsibility, (d) strategic plan structuring, (e) strategic planning as ongoing management, (f) corporate measurement, (g) risk analysis methodology and (h) strategic planning methodology. Based on the sample, the research results allow to infer the following: 1. The percentage of Colombian companies that claim to have developed and implemented a strategic plan. 2. How they structure the strategic plan, who participates, their periodicity, how monitoring methods get approved and established. 3. The identification of the different risk analysis methods these companies use and the usage of supporting tools. 4. The different methods considered for the evaluation of the company results. 5. The way companies make strategic decisions and the degree of instinct on behalf of their executive directors, as reflected in them. 6. The way companies manage their social responsibility policies and its impact on nonmarket strategies. In the same way, a comparison was made between the results obtained in this investigation and the results of the research conducted for the Peruvian market by Camones, Cedamanos, Lermo and Núñez (2009) Base de la Estrategia y su Empleo en la Gerencia en Perú [Strategic Framework and its Use for the Peruvian Management Sector], so similarities and differences could be obtained for the Colombian and Peruvian elite. We also hope for this study to serve as a reference for Colombian companies regarding their future strategic plans.
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