Now showing items 4-6 of 6

    • MIM3: Methodology of Innovation Management  

      Alfaro Paredes, Emigdio Antonio (CENTRUM PublishingPE, 2015)
      The purpose of the study was to develop a methodological proposal for improving the management of the innovation maturity until the level 3 of the Integrated Innovation Maturity Model (I2MM), considering an integrated ...
    • Personal Attributes Profiles based on Clustered Leadership Behaviors in Peruvian Managers 

      D’Alessio Ipinza, Fernando (CENTRUM PublishingPE, 2012)
      The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in the personal attributes profiles of Peruvian part-time MBA students clustered into high- and low-level leadership behaviors. Various instruments were used to ...
    • Spirituality and Leadership 

      Iona Gherman, Tatiana; Marquina Feldman, Percy (CENTRUM PublishingPE, 2012)