Plan estratégico aplicado para el sector ecoturismo de la región Lambayeque 2012-2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El Perú es un prodigio en recursos naturales y en biodiversidad que se evidencia en la
heterogeneidad de ecoclimas y paisajes que son el hábitat para el desarrollo de una diversidad
de especies de flora y fauna, así como para culturas nativas. Estas condiciones sustentan la
viabilidad de la práctica y desarrollo del ecoturismo como una industria sustentable y
competitiva a nivel internacional, sin embargo al ser un país prodigioso está expuesto a verse
afectado por los desequilibrios ecológicos que se producen por pérdida de algunas especies,
originando la crisis ecológica que está atentando contra el bienestar de la humanidad.
Durante las últimas seis décadas, el turismo y el ecoturismo han experimentado una
permanente expansión y diversificación, con lo que han llegado a constituirse en uno de los
sectores económicos más importantes y de mayor crecimiento a escala mundial. No obstante,
el sector ecoturismo en la región Lambayeque aún se encuentra en un estado de lento
crecimiento y poco desarrollo debido al escaso compromiso de los actores e instituciones
necesarias para generar una oferta ecoturística al mundo, dependiendo el ingreso de nuevos
competidores de la participación del Estado (nacional, regional y local), y de los gobiernos
regionales concretando el desarrollo del ecoturismo en sus respectivas zonas, involucrando en
la inversión , el proceso de comunicación con las comunidades .
En efecto, la ejecución de proyectos de inversión pública relacionados con el turismo
se ve retraída por la falta de capacidades de los actores responsables. Asimismo, el Perú, al
ser un destino de larga distancia con respecto a los principales emisores, compite con otros
destinos también lejanos ubicados en otras partes del mundo y con una oferta turística muy
La tendencia en el número de visitas a las áreas protegidas en la región Lambayeque
es ascendente tanto para visitantes nacionales como extranjeros; como sector, mantiene un
promedio de 13.8% de crecimiento anual, siendo el destino turístico de Chaparrí el de mayor crecimiento anual en número de visitantes (35%), seguido de Laquipampa (19%), y
finalmente el Bosque de Pómac, con un promedio de crecimiento de (4%); cabe mencionar
que aunque porcentualmente es el de menor valor, presenta el mayor número de visitantes.
Este crecimiento, si bien es prometedor, requiere por parte de los entes rectores una
planificación y administración adecuada de los recursos plasmados, entre otros, en la
estipulación de la capacidad de carga, los límites aceptables de cambio y el manejo del
impacto del visitante que cada destino puede sobrellevar, además de una constante
comunicación con los pobladores.
Las estrategias planteadas se basan en el desarrollo de proyectos conjuntos orientados
a mejorar la accesibilidad a los destinos; Desarrollar y promocionar la marca Lambayeque
como destino ecoturístico; promocionar los destinos ecoturísticos existentes, y desarrollo de
nuevas actividades turísticas como la de observadores de aves, turistas de sol y playa,
investigadores, personas de la tercera edad.
El presente plan estratégico propone a los actores integrantes de la cadena de valor de
la industria una herramienta de gestión que permita usar las fortalezas para beneficiarse de las
oportunidades y neutralizar las amenazas; y mejorar las debilidades para aprovechar las
ocasiones y evitar los peligros, a fin de alcanzar la visión propuesta y, por ende, el
posicionamiento deseado.
Peru is a prodigy in natural resources and in biodiversity which is evidenced by the heterogeneity of echo climates and landscapes that provide habitat for the development of a diversity of flora and fauna, and native cultural expressions while transcendent. These conditions support the viability of the practice and development of the ecotourism as a sustainable industry worldwide, however to be a prodigious country is exposed to be affected by ecological imbalances that occur due to loss of some species, causing ecological crisis that is endangering the human welfare. During the last six decades the tourism and the echo tourism has experienced a permanent expansion and diversification, managing to be one of the most important economic sectors and of major growth on a worldwide scale. Even the sector ecotourism in the Region Lambayeque still is in a condition of slow growth and little I develop due to the scanty commitment of the actors and necessary institutions to generate an offer echo tourist to the world, depending on the income of new competitors to the state's participation (national, regional and local), and regional governments specifying ecotourism development in each areas, involving investment, the process of communication with communities. The project execution of public investment related to the tourism meets retiring for the lack of capacities of the responsible actors. Peru to the being a destination of long distance with regard to the principal issuers, it competes with other destinations also distant located in other parts of the world and with a tourist very similar offer. The trend in the number of visits to the areas protected in the Region Lambayeque is ascending so much for national as foreign visitors; since sector supports an average of 13.8 % of annual growth, Being Chaparrí's tourist destination that of major annual growth in number of visitors (35 %), followed by Laquipampa (19 %), and finally Pómac's Forest with an average of growth of (4 %); It is necessary to mention that though in percentage terms it is that of minor value, the major number of visitors presents. This growth though promising needs of the governing entities a planning and suitable administration of the resources formed between others in the stipulation of the capacity of load, the acceptable limits of change and the Managing of the Impact of the Visitor that every destination can carry. The proposed strategies are based on the development of joint projects aimed to improve the accessibility of destinations, develop and promote the Lambayeque brand as ecoturism destination; promote ecotourism destinations existing and development of new tourism activities as observer birds, sun and beach tourists, researchers, senior age. The present strategic plan proposes to the integral actors of the chain of value of the industry a management tool that allows to use the strengths to benefit from the opportunities and to neutralize the threats; and to improve the weaknesses for seize the opportunities and to avoid the dangers, reaching finally the proposed vision and in consequence the wished positioning.
Peru is a prodigy in natural resources and in biodiversity which is evidenced by the heterogeneity of echo climates and landscapes that provide habitat for the development of a diversity of flora and fauna, and native cultural expressions while transcendent. These conditions support the viability of the practice and development of the ecotourism as a sustainable industry worldwide, however to be a prodigious country is exposed to be affected by ecological imbalances that occur due to loss of some species, causing ecological crisis that is endangering the human welfare. During the last six decades the tourism and the echo tourism has experienced a permanent expansion and diversification, managing to be one of the most important economic sectors and of major growth on a worldwide scale. Even the sector ecotourism in the Region Lambayeque still is in a condition of slow growth and little I develop due to the scanty commitment of the actors and necessary institutions to generate an offer echo tourist to the world, depending on the income of new competitors to the state's participation (national, regional and local), and regional governments specifying ecotourism development in each areas, involving investment, the process of communication with communities. The project execution of public investment related to the tourism meets retiring for the lack of capacities of the responsible actors. Peru to the being a destination of long distance with regard to the principal issuers, it competes with other destinations also distant located in other parts of the world and with a tourist very similar offer. The trend in the number of visits to the areas protected in the Region Lambayeque is ascending so much for national as foreign visitors; since sector supports an average of 13.8 % of annual growth, Being Chaparrí's tourist destination that of major annual growth in number of visitors (35 %), followed by Laquipampa (19 %), and finally Pómac's Forest with an average of growth of (4 %); It is necessary to mention that though in percentage terms it is that of minor value, the major number of visitors presents. This growth though promising needs of the governing entities a planning and suitable administration of the resources formed between others in the stipulation of the capacity of load, the acceptable limits of change and the Managing of the Impact of the Visitor that every destination can carry. The proposed strategies are based on the development of joint projects aimed to improve the accessibility of destinations, develop and promote the Lambayeque brand as ecoturism destination; promote ecotourism destinations existing and development of new tourism activities as observer birds, sun and beach tourists, researchers, senior age. The present strategic plan proposes to the integral actors of the chain of value of the industry a management tool that allows to use the strengths to benefit from the opportunities and to neutralize the threats; and to improve the weaknesses for seize the opportunities and to avoid the dangers, reaching finally the proposed vision and in consequence the wished positioning.
Palabras clave
Ecoturismo--Perú--Lambayeque, Turismo--Perú--Lambayeque, Planificación estratégica
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