Planeamiento estratégico para el sistema de clasificadoras de riesgo en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Este plan estratégico se desarrolla para el Sistema de Clasificadoras de Riesgo, con el
objetivo de que pueda expandirse, incrementando sus ventas y generando rentabilidad a los
accionistas. Al mismo tiempo, este sistema debe dar un servicio confiable, favoreciendo el
crecimiento del mercado de valores de Lima y América del Sur. Este documento se ha
realizado siguiendo el modelo del proceso estratégico de D’Alessio (2015). Para el año 2026,
la visión es ser un sistema reconocido en América del Sur por ser el principal generador de
información útil para los inversionistas. Impulsará el desarrollo de inversionistas menores y
fomentará la inversión privada a través de mayor cantidad de títulos negociados en la Bolsa
de Valores de Lima. Logrará así, incrementar sus ventas y generar rentabilidad para sus
accionistas. Esta visión propuesta se alcanzará a través de cinco objetivos de largo plazo: (a)
prestar servicios a un mínimo de 700 pequeñas y medianas empresas, (b) lograr que la
cantidad de títulos valores negociados en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima llegue a 1,285, (c) las
ventas totales serán de S/ 34 millones, partiendo de los S/ 19 millones que se tuvieron en el
2015; (d) el retorno sobre el patrimonio ROE será de 45% promedio para el sistema; y (e)
emitir boletines informativos que sean leídos por al menos 359,000 personas. Con el fin de
lograr los objetivos se implementarán las siguientes estrategias retenidas: (a) adquirir
empresas capacitadoras en finanzas e inversiones, (b) diversificarse concéntricamente
mediante servicios de evaluación de proyectos, (c) expandir las clasificaciones de riesgo a
sectores no considerados actualmente, (d) reestructurar las clasificaciones de riesgo, (e)
penetrar el mercado actual, con análisis más frecuentes para inversionistas; (f) integrarse
verticalmente hacia adelante con medios de comunicación para la búsqueda de nuevos
clientes, (g) desarrollar nuevos clientes inversionistas, (h) desarrollar el mercado de Ecuador,
(i) desarrollar el mercado de Bolivia, y (j) desarrollar tecnología de punta para el manejo de
bases de datos, extracción de información e identificación de patrones
This strategic plan has been developed for the system of risk rating agencies, with the aim that they can expand, increasing sales and generating positive returns for shareholders. At the same time, this system will give reliable service, which favors the growth of stock and debt market in Lima and in other countries in South America. This document has been produced following the model of the strategic process, created by D' Alessio (2015). The Vision is to become very well recognized in South America by 2026, generating useful information for investors, promoting national economic development. It will promote the development of small investors and also foster the private investment through a larger amount of available titles, increasing sales and generating profit. The vision will be achieved through the following five long-term objectives: (a) provide services to a minimum of 700 small and medium enterprises by the year 2026, (b) foster investment in the private sector through 1,285 titles available by 2026, (c) total sales will increase from S/. 19 million in 2015, to S/. 34 million, (d) return over equity or ROE will reach 45 % in average for the entire system, and (e) issue informative papers that would be read by 359,000 persons. To achieve these long-term objectives, the following retained strategies will be implemented: (a) acquire training enterprises in finance and investments, (b) diversify concentrically with project evaluation services, (c) expand the risk classifications for sectors not currently considered, d) restructure the risk classifications for sectors not currently considered, e) penetrate the market today, with more frequent analysis for investors, (f) vertically integrate forward with the media for finding new customers, (g) develop new investment clients, (h) develop the market of Ecuador, (i) develop the market for Bolivia, and (j) develop modern technology for mining data and processing
This strategic plan has been developed for the system of risk rating agencies, with the aim that they can expand, increasing sales and generating positive returns for shareholders. At the same time, this system will give reliable service, which favors the growth of stock and debt market in Lima and in other countries in South America. This document has been produced following the model of the strategic process, created by D' Alessio (2015). The Vision is to become very well recognized in South America by 2026, generating useful information for investors, promoting national economic development. It will promote the development of small investors and also foster the private investment through a larger amount of available titles, increasing sales and generating profit. The vision will be achieved through the following five long-term objectives: (a) provide services to a minimum of 700 small and medium enterprises by the year 2026, (b) foster investment in the private sector through 1,285 titles available by 2026, (c) total sales will increase from S/. 19 million in 2015, to S/. 34 million, (d) return over equity or ROE will reach 45 % in average for the entire system, and (e) issue informative papers that would be read by 359,000 persons. To achieve these long-term objectives, the following retained strategies will be implemented: (a) acquire training enterprises in finance and investments, (b) diversify concentrically with project evaluation services, (c) expand the risk classifications for sectors not currently considered, d) restructure the risk classifications for sectors not currently considered, e) penetrate the market today, with more frequent analysis for investors, (f) vertically integrate forward with the media for finding new customers, (g) develop new investment clients, (h) develop the market of Ecuador, (i) develop the market for Bolivia, and (j) develop modern technology for mining data and processing
Palabras clave
Riesgo, Bolsa, Inversiones, Planificación estratégica
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