Diagnóstico operativo empresarial para Transvisa E.I.R.L.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En la presente investigación se realiza el diagnóstico de Transvisa, empresa familiar, cuya
actual estrategia de negocios es la integración hacia atrás a avícola San Fernando. El
diagnóstico se desarrolló de forma trasversal a todas sus áreas, detallando las observaciones y
oportunidades potenciales de mejora. Las recomendaciones se establecen en estrategia de
negocio y estrategia integral de mejora de procesos. La primera consiste en abrir una nueva
línea de negocios y la segunda, una propuesta integral de mejora para todas las áreas y que se
desarrollará a través de la implementación del PHVA; además de utilizar el software contable
CONCAR. El análisis de ahorro realizado para mejorar la competitividad de Transvisa solo
incluye horas extras generadas y mantenimientos correctivos. Operativamente la empresa se
encuentra equipada y con capacidad instalada suficiente: cuenta con Sistema Integrado de
Gestión de Calidad, procesos definidos y procedimientos detallados, planes y programas de
mantenimiento que garantizan la disponibilidad y confiabilidad. En cambio, en sus procesos
de apoyo, su cadena de suministro se maneja en forma empírica; sus procesos contables no
garantizan un flujo de información confiable, real y adecuada para la toma de decisiones; no
hay centros de costos y, en cuanto al personal, no hay definida una cultura organizacional. Su
capacidad es utilizada al 100% y los espacios en su local de Chancay están saturados por la
inclusión de la nueva línea de fabricación de carrocerías. Por ello, la decisión es que esta
última línea se traslade a un nuevo local propio en Huaral
In the present investigation, the diagnosis was made of Transvisa, a family business, whose current business strategy is the backward integration to poultry San Fernando is made. The diagnosis was developed cross-sectionally to all its areas, detailing the observations and potential opportunities for improvement. The recommendations are established in business strategy and integral process improvement strategy. The first consists of opening a new line of business and the second, an integral proposal for improvement for all areas and that will be developed through the implementation of the PHVA, in addition to using CONCAR accounting software. The savings analysis carried out to improve Transvisa's competitiveness only includes extra hours generated and corrective maintenance. Operationally, the company is equipped and has sufficient installed capacity, has an Integrated Quality Management System, defined processes and detailed procedures, plans and maintenance programs that guarantee availability and reliability. In the contrast, in its support processes, its supply chain is managed empirically, their accounting processes do not guarantee a reliable, real and adequate flow of information for decision making, there are no cost centers; and as for the staff, there is no defined organizational culture. Its capacity is used 100%, the spaces in its premises in Chancay are saturated by the inclusion of the new line of manufacturing bodies, so the decision is that this last line is moved to a new local in Huaral
In the present investigation, the diagnosis was made of Transvisa, a family business, whose current business strategy is the backward integration to poultry San Fernando is made. The diagnosis was developed cross-sectionally to all its areas, detailing the observations and potential opportunities for improvement. The recommendations are established in business strategy and integral process improvement strategy. The first consists of opening a new line of business and the second, an integral proposal for improvement for all areas and that will be developed through the implementation of the PHVA, in addition to using CONCAR accounting software. The savings analysis carried out to improve Transvisa's competitiveness only includes extra hours generated and corrective maintenance. Operationally, the company is equipped and has sufficient installed capacity, has an Integrated Quality Management System, defined processes and detailed procedures, plans and maintenance programs that guarantee availability and reliability. In the contrast, in its support processes, its supply chain is managed empirically, their accounting processes do not guarantee a reliable, real and adequate flow of information for decision making, there are no cost centers; and as for the staff, there is no defined organizational culture. Its capacity is used 100%, the spaces in its premises in Chancay are saturated by the inclusion of the new line of manufacturing bodies, so the decision is that this last line is moved to a new local in Huaral
Palabras clave
Planificación de la producción, Producción -- Administración
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