Planeamiento estratégico de la Provincia de La Unión
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La provincia de La Unión se creó mediante el Decreto Supremo del 4 de mayo de
1835 durante el gobierno del Presidente Luis José de Orbegoso y Moncada. Es reconocida
como una de las provincias más pobres de la región de Arequipa, tambien es conocida por sus
actividades económicas de agricultura y turismo, la provincia tamben esta beneficiada por sus
recursos naturales y gran riqueza cultural. Sin embargo a la actualidad no ha logrado
alacanzar un crecimiento econonomico y desarrollo adecuado, que pemite a su población
alcanzar adecuados niveles de vida, educación y salud; lo que ocasiona que ésta se encuentre
sumida en letargo, pues no logra interconectarse al mundo globalizado de hoy en dia, para dar
a conocer su riquezas naturales y culturales ni tampoco saca de las mismas.
La presente investigación ha realizado un amplio análisis de factores externos e
internos que favorecen el desarrollo de la provincia de La Union. Los cuales se han expresado
mediante estrategias y objetivos mesurables a corto, mediano y largo plazo. Con visión al
2026, se ha desarrollado un Plan Estratégico para esta provincia, para el cual se realizó un
análisis de la situación general del país, de la región Arequipa y de la provincia de La Unión,
considerándose aspectos geográficos, demográficos, económicos, tecnológicos y
organizacionales, aplicando el modelo secuencial de planeamiento estratégico, donde se
estableció 13 estrategias y 7 objetivos de largo plazo, para lograr que la provincia tenga una
afluencia de 50,000 mil turistas por año entre extranjeros y nacionales.
El objetivo principal de esta obra es entregar a la provincia de La Unión, a sus
representantes y su población, una herramienta que les permita orientar sus esfuerzos para
alcanzar el desarrollo, bienestar ambicionado y merecido. La visión que se ha tomado en el
presente documento está estructurado en función a las potencialidades de la provincia, con un
horizonte de diez años, logrando que la provincia de La Unión será una de las más
competitivas de la región de Arequipa; y brindará servicios de turismo rural de aventura,
aprovechando responsablemente sus recursos naturales y culturales, para crear desarrollo
económico sustentable, logrando para ello atraer las inversiones públicas y privadas para la
mejora de la infraestructura vial y los servicios básicos.
Finalmente, la presente investigación está enfocado en transformar la situación
presente de la provincia de La Union, incentivando y promoviendo la inversión pública y
privada, creando vías de comunicación eficientes mediante el sustento de una visión de
crecimiento de la economía para lograr que la provincia sea una de las mas competitivas de la
Region Arequipa. Con ello se busca además el respeto a la condición de Reserva Natural
Protegida que tiene la provincia de La Union, estableciendo acciones adecuadas para que el
crecimiento económico vaya en función a la valoración de los recursos naturales y culturales
que posee dicha provincia
The province of La Union was created by the Supreme Decree of May 4, 1835 during the government of President Luis Jose de Orbegoso and Moncada. It is recognized as one of the poorest provinces of the region of Arequipa, is also known for its economic activities in agriculture and tourism, the province is also benefited by its natural resources and great cultural wealth. However, to date, it has failed to achieve adequate economic growth and development, enabling its population to reach adequate standards of living, education and health; Which causes that it is in lethargy, because it does not manage to interconnect to the globalized world of today, to publicize its natural and cultural riches nor take out of them. This research has made an extensive analysis of external and internal factors that favor the development of the province of La Union. These have been expressed through measurable strategies and objectives in the short, medium and long term. With a vision to 2026, a Strategic Plan for this province has been developed, for which an analysis of the general situation of the country, the region of Arequipa and the province of La Union was made, considering geographic, demographic, economic, technological aspects And organizational, applying the sequential model of strategic planning, which established 13 strategies and 7 long-term objectives, to ensure that the province has an influx of 50,000 thousand tourists per year between foreigners and nationals. The main objective of this work is to give the province of La Union, its representatives and its population, a tool that allows them to orient their efforts to achieve development, well-deserved and well-deserved. The vision that has been taken in this document is structured according to the potential of the province, with a horizon of ten years, making the province of La Union one of the most competitive in the Arequipa region; And will provide rural tourism tourism services, responsibly taking advantage of their natural and cultural resources, to create sustainable economic development, achieving to attract public and private investments for the improvement of road infrastructure and basic services. Finally, the present research is focused on transforming the present situation of the province of La Union, encouraging and promoting public and private investment, creating efficient means of communication through the support of a vision of growth of the economy to make the province One of the most competitive in the Arequipa Region. This also seeks to respect the status of Protected Natural Reserve in the province of La Union, establishing appropriate actions for economic growth to be based on the assessment of the natural and cultural resources that the province has
The province of La Union was created by the Supreme Decree of May 4, 1835 during the government of President Luis Jose de Orbegoso and Moncada. It is recognized as one of the poorest provinces of the region of Arequipa, is also known for its economic activities in agriculture and tourism, the province is also benefited by its natural resources and great cultural wealth. However, to date, it has failed to achieve adequate economic growth and development, enabling its population to reach adequate standards of living, education and health; Which causes that it is in lethargy, because it does not manage to interconnect to the globalized world of today, to publicize its natural and cultural riches nor take out of them. This research has made an extensive analysis of external and internal factors that favor the development of the province of La Union. These have been expressed through measurable strategies and objectives in the short, medium and long term. With a vision to 2026, a Strategic Plan for this province has been developed, for which an analysis of the general situation of the country, the region of Arequipa and the province of La Union was made, considering geographic, demographic, economic, technological aspects And organizational, applying the sequential model of strategic planning, which established 13 strategies and 7 long-term objectives, to ensure that the province has an influx of 50,000 thousand tourists per year between foreigners and nationals. The main objective of this work is to give the province of La Union, its representatives and its population, a tool that allows them to orient their efforts to achieve development, well-deserved and well-deserved. The vision that has been taken in this document is structured according to the potential of the province, with a horizon of ten years, making the province of La Union one of the most competitive in the Arequipa region; And will provide rural tourism tourism services, responsibly taking advantage of their natural and cultural resources, to create sustainable economic development, achieving to attract public and private investments for the improvement of road infrastructure and basic services. Finally, the present research is focused on transforming the present situation of the province of La Union, encouraging and promoting public and private investment, creating efficient means of communication through the support of a vision of growth of the economy to make the province One of the most competitive in the Arequipa Region. This also seeks to respect the status of Protected Natural Reserve in the province of La Union, establishing appropriate actions for economic growth to be based on the assessment of the natural and cultural resources that the province has
Palabras clave
Planificación regional -- Perú -- Arequipa, Desarrollo regional -- Perú -- Arequipa, Planificación estratégica
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