Índice de progreso social del distrito de San Luis
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En las últimas décadas han sido varios los esfuerzos que se han realizado para medir
el progreso de las naciones, desarrollando indicadores que aseguren una comparabilidad entre
ellas. Uno de los indicadores más utilizados ha sido el Producto Bruto Interno (PBI),
orientado principalmente a medir el desempeño económico. En el 2012 se fundó el Social
Progress Imperative, con la misión de desarrollar el Índice de Progreso Social (IPS). A partir
del análisis de tres dimensiones: Necesidades Humanas Básicas, Fundamentos del Bienestar y
Oportunidades; y con énfasis en el Progreso Social, busca ser un indicador viable que mida
los resultados de las políticas y de las acciones gubernamentales y privadas, antes que el
volumen de las inversiones; y que sirva como herramienta de gestión de políticas públicas
que aseguren una mejor calidad de vida de los habitantes de sus localidades.
La medición realizada en el distrito de San Luis dio como resultado un IPS de 61.87
ubicándolo en un nivel de progreso social medio bajo. El análisis permitió identificar que el
distrito ha logrado satisfacer las Necesidades Humanas Básicas de sus ciudadanos como
acceso a agua, saneamiento y vivienda; mientras que tiene un desempeño sobresaliente en la
cobertura de los Fundamentos de Bienestar, como es el caso de la sostenibilidad ambiental.
Sin embargo, ello contrasta con la deficiente gestión de las Oportunidades necesarias para
que los ciudadanos logren potenciar el bienestar.
La gestión municipal del distrito de San Luis ha emprendido un plan de desarrollo
local que incluye ocho variables estratégicas las cuales contemplan el manejo de cuatro de las
cinco brechas identificadas en el presente estudio. Dicho plan define acciones e indicadores
específicos para el manejo de los componentes de Seguridad Personal, Tolerancia e Inclusión,
Derechos Personales y Vivienda. No obstante, no contempla acciones para la mejora del
Acceso a Educación Superior, componente que se agrava por la existencia de grupos
vulnerables desatendidos en la localidad
In the last few decades, many efforts have been made in order to measure nation's progress, developing indices that enable comparisons between them. The most widely used indicator over the years has been the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which mainly measures the economic growth. The Social Progress Imperative was founded in 2012, with the primary goal to create the Social Progress Index. It has three dimensions: basic human needs, foundations of wellbeing and opportunity; and with emphasis in social progress seeks to create a viable index that measures public policies and public/private efforts results rather than investment, and to serve as a tool for public management to ensure a better quality of life of their community. The survey performed on San Luis district resulted in a SPI of 61.87, which ranked San Luis as a middle lower location. The analysis identified that San Luis achieved to satisfy Basic Human Needs, like water and sanitation and shelter; and an outstanding performance in the Foundations of Wellbeing, like Ecosystem Sustainability. However, it contrasts with a poor management in the Opportunity dimension, necessarily for their population to enhance their wellbeing. The municipal management of the San Luis district has established a local development plan, which include eight strategic variables that consider four of the five gaps identified in this study. The plan defines actions and specific indices to address the Personal Safety, Tolerance and Inclusion, Personal Rights and Shelter. Nevertheless, it doesn´t include actions to improve Access to Advanced Education, component exacerbated by the existence of neglected and vulnerable groups in the community
In the last few decades, many efforts have been made in order to measure nation's progress, developing indices that enable comparisons between them. The most widely used indicator over the years has been the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which mainly measures the economic growth. The Social Progress Imperative was founded in 2012, with the primary goal to create the Social Progress Index. It has three dimensions: basic human needs, foundations of wellbeing and opportunity; and with emphasis in social progress seeks to create a viable index that measures public policies and public/private efforts results rather than investment, and to serve as a tool for public management to ensure a better quality of life of their community. The survey performed on San Luis district resulted in a SPI of 61.87, which ranked San Luis as a middle lower location. The analysis identified that San Luis achieved to satisfy Basic Human Needs, like water and sanitation and shelter; and an outstanding performance in the Foundations of Wellbeing, like Ecosystem Sustainability. However, it contrasts with a poor management in the Opportunity dimension, necessarily for their population to enhance their wellbeing. The municipal management of the San Luis district has established a local development plan, which include eight strategic variables that consider four of the five gaps identified in this study. The plan defines actions and specific indices to address the Personal Safety, Tolerance and Inclusion, Personal Rights and Shelter. Nevertheless, it doesn´t include actions to improve Access to Advanced Education, component exacerbated by the existence of neglected and vulnerable groups in the community
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Investigación cuantitativa
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