Planeamiento estratégico de la Región Moquegua
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo consiste en la elaboración de un planeamiento estratégico para la
Región Moquegua, y está enmarcado en el modelo secuencial del proceso estratégico
elaborado por el Dr. Fernando D´Alessio Ipinza. El inicio es la situación actual de la región y
el fin es la situación futura deseada. En todo este proceso existen diferentes etapas como la
visión, misión, valores, código de ética, evaluación externa, la evaluación interna, definición
de intereses y objetivos de la región, proceso estratégico, la implementación estratégica y el
análisis competitivo de la región. Con el fin de aumentar la competitividad y generar un
mayor bienestar a la población de la región.
Moquegua se encuentra en los primeros puestos del ranking de competitividad a nivel
nacional por: (a) calidad y penetración de la educación; (b) Salud e Infraestructura (cobertura
de servicios a la población) y (c) su elevado PBI, el más alto del Perú en el 2014. Sin
embargo, muestra una dependencia en su principal actividad productiva, la minería, cuyo
desarrollo depende fundamentalmente de los precios internacionales de los minerales,
volviéndola vulnerable a factores externos que escapan del control y gestión propios del
Gobierno Regional.
El planteamiento de la visión para el año 2025 es liderar el ranking de competitividad
nacional del Perú; no obstante, esto no podrá ser posible con la actual dependencia de la
minería; es por esto que la diversifiación de su matriz productiva es necesaria, y se logrará
gracias al desarrollo de estratégias basadas en el potencial de la Región en actividades como
agricultura, industria y turismo. Esto permitirá la generación de empleo de forma sostenible,
seguir mejorando la calidad de los servicios básicos y brindar mayores oportunidades a la
población logrando el desarrollo integral de la Región Moquegua
The present document consist in the elaboration of a Strategic Plan for the region of Moquegua. It is framed within the sequential model of the strategic process developed by PhD. Fernando D´Alessio Ipinza. The first part of the work introduces the current situation of the region, and the final part presents the desired future situation. Throughout this process there are different stages such as vision, mission, values, code of ethics, external evaluation, internal evaluation, definition of interests and objectives of the region; with the aim of increasing competitiveness and generating greater welfare to the population of the region. Moquegua is found in the nationwide top of the competitiveness ranking considering: (a) quality and diffusion of education; (b) Health and Infrastructure (coverage of services to the population) and (c) its high GDP, the highest in Peru in 2014. However, it shows a dependence on its main production activity, mining, whose development depends primarily on international prices of minerals, making it vulnerable to external factors beyond the own control and management of its Regional Government. The approach of the vision for 2025 is to lead the national competitiveness ranking of Peru; however, this may not be possible because of the current dependence that mining experiences. It is for this reason that diversification of its production model is needed, which will be achieved by developing strategies based on the potential of the region regarding activities such as agriculture, industry and tourism. This will enable generation of sustainable employment, to keep improving the quality of basic services and provide greater opportunities for the population, achieving a comprehensive program for the Moquegua region
The present document consist in the elaboration of a Strategic Plan for the region of Moquegua. It is framed within the sequential model of the strategic process developed by PhD. Fernando D´Alessio Ipinza. The first part of the work introduces the current situation of the region, and the final part presents the desired future situation. Throughout this process there are different stages such as vision, mission, values, code of ethics, external evaluation, internal evaluation, definition of interests and objectives of the region; with the aim of increasing competitiveness and generating greater welfare to the population of the region. Moquegua is found in the nationwide top of the competitiveness ranking considering: (a) quality and diffusion of education; (b) Health and Infrastructure (coverage of services to the population) and (c) its high GDP, the highest in Peru in 2014. However, it shows a dependence on its main production activity, mining, whose development depends primarily on international prices of minerals, making it vulnerable to external factors beyond the own control and management of its Regional Government. The approach of the vision for 2025 is to lead the national competitiveness ranking of Peru; however, this may not be possible because of the current dependence that mining experiences. It is for this reason that diversification of its production model is needed, which will be achieved by developing strategies based on the potential of the region regarding activities such as agriculture, industry and tourism. This will enable generation of sustainable employment, to keep improving the quality of basic services and provide greater opportunities for the population, achieving a comprehensive program for the Moquegua region
Palabras clave
Planificación regional -- Perú -- Moquegua, Desarrollo regional -- Perú -- Moquegua, Planificación estratégica
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