Planeamiento estratégico de la uva de mesa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo aplicado al sector productor de uva de mesa en el Perú
evalúa y plantea estrategias para conseguir el incremento de producción y poder llegar
a ser el mayor productor de uva de mesa de Sudamérica.
Se inicia el estudio con un análisis de la situación actual del sector en el Perú,
seguido por la definición de la visión y la misión. Posteriormente se realiza la
evaluación externa e interna para luego desarrollar el proceso estratégico utilizando
las distintas matrices con el propósito de determinar las estrategias apropiadas que
permitan alcanzar los objetivos planteados.
Finalmente se detallan las conclusiones y recomendaciones donde se resalta la
habilitación y aprovechamiento eficiente de los recursos existentes, la implementación
de tecnología que permitan conseguir productos competitivos y de alta calidad para
así conseguir el crecimiento sostenible del mercado interno y externo
This paper applied to the table grape sector in Peru evaluates and present strategies for accomplish to grow up the production and become the largest producer of table grapes from South America. It begins with an analysis of the present situation of that sector in Peru, folowed by definition of the vision and mission. Later it begins the external and internal evaluation and then the strategic process is developed using different matrices in order to determine appropriate strategies to achieve the objectives. Finally the conclusions and recommendations are detailed which highlights the habilitation efficient use of existing resources, the technology implementation that will achieve competitive and high quality products in order to obtain the sustainable growth of the internal and external market
This paper applied to the table grape sector in Peru evaluates and present strategies for accomplish to grow up the production and become the largest producer of table grapes from South America. It begins with an analysis of the present situation of that sector in Peru, folowed by definition of the vision and mission. Later it begins the external and internal evaluation and then the strategic process is developed using different matrices in order to determine appropriate strategies to achieve the objectives. Finally the conclusions and recommendations are detailed which highlights the habilitation efficient use of existing resources, the technology implementation that will achieve competitive and high quality products in order to obtain the sustainable growth of the internal and external market
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