Plan estratégico para la producción de electrodomésticos de línea blanca en el Perú.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente documento se elabora el Planeamiento Estratégico para la Producción
de Electrodomésticos de Línea Blanca en el Perú. En el mismo se realiza una exhaustiva
revisión y análisis de las variables que mueven a los productores para hacer más competitivos
en un mercado dominado principalmente por la producción extranjera. El análisis de los
factores internos y externos que permitieron desarrollar la matriz FODA han sido el punto de
partida para analizar la situación actual de las empresas productoras de electrodomésticos de
línea blanca para posteriormente definir las estrategias que ayuden a alcanzar a los seis
objetivos de largo plazo que apoyados por los quince objetivos de corto plazo permitan para
el 2025, lograr que las empresas de electrodomésticos de producción nacional de línea
blanca, sean reconocidas por la alta calidad de sus productos y su compromiso con la
responsabilidad social, logrando mayor participación en el mercado local, maximizando su
rentabilidad y siendo atractivo para nuevos inversionistas.
La producción nacional de electrodomésticos de línea blanca se ubica en el cuadrante
conservador de acuerdo a los resultados de la Matriz Peyea, no obstante lo que sostiene a
estas empresas son sus respaldos financieros de las casas matrices que operan fuera del País
lo cual que hace posible que se sostengan en el mercado. Las ocho estrategias propuestas en
el planeamiento estratégico se centran principalmente en incrementar de forma sostenible su
participación del mercado, con calidad, y rentabilidad las cuales serán monitoreadas en el
balanced scorecard a través de los indicadores están sincronizadas con la visión
In this document a strategic planning is prepared for home appliances production in Peru. It is carried out an exhaustive revision and variable analysis moving to producers to be more competitive in a market mainly dominated by foreign production. The analysis of internal and external factors which allowed to develop the FODA matrix, have been the starting point to analyze the current situation of the home appliances producers to further define the strategies to help reach the long term objectives which supported by short term objectives, allowing for 2025 to achieve home appliances companies of national production be recognized for their high quality products and their commitment with social responsibility, achieving greater participation at local market, maximizing profitability and being attractive for new investors. The national home appliances production is located in the conservative quadrant according to Peyea Matrix results, however what sustains these companies are the financials supports which operate outside the country which makes possible to hold on the market. The proposed strategies in strategy planning focus mainly to increase sustainably their market participation with quality, profitability which are synchronized with vision
In this document a strategic planning is prepared for home appliances production in Peru. It is carried out an exhaustive revision and variable analysis moving to producers to be more competitive in a market mainly dominated by foreign production. The analysis of internal and external factors which allowed to develop the FODA matrix, have been the starting point to analyze the current situation of the home appliances producers to further define the strategies to help reach the long term objectives which supported by short term objectives, allowing for 2025 to achieve home appliances companies of national production be recognized for their high quality products and their commitment with social responsibility, achieving greater participation at local market, maximizing profitability and being attractive for new investors. The national home appliances production is located in the conservative quadrant according to Peyea Matrix results, however what sustains these companies are the financials supports which operate outside the country which makes possible to hold on the market. The proposed strategies in strategy planning focus mainly to increase sustainably their market participation with quality, profitability which are synchronized with vision
Palabras clave
Electrodomésticos -- Industria y comercio -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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