Facilidad para hacer negocios en algunos distritos de Lima Centro
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo es el resultado de la investigación realizada con el fin de indagar,
conocer, y reflexionar acerca de las barreras y dificultades que emprendedores e
inversionistas enfrentan para iniciar un negocio en Lima Centro. El estudio se desarrolla con
la misma metodología usada por el informe Doing Business presentado por el Banco Mundial
(BM) aplicada a Lima Centro y abarca cinco pilares, los cuales son: (a) apertura de empresas,
(b) permisos de construcción, (c) obtención de electricidad, (d) registro de propiedad, y (e)
cumplimiento de contratos.
La presente investigación tiene un enfoque no experimental, descriptivo, y
cuantitativo en la que se obtiene información de gabinete (i.e., normativa y TUPA), y
entrevistas a expertos en los instrumentos de estudio mediante un cuestionario con el cual se
establecen las diferencias en procedimientos, costos, y tiempos para la puesta en
funcionamiento de una empresa en Lima Centro de acuerdo con los casos de estudio de cada
La significancia de la presente investigación radica en contribuir con información de
las particularidades de zonas como Lima Centro, ya que, los estudios realizados por el BM
corresponden a Lima como ciudad representativa del Perú y no consideran las características
más relevantes que hacen de Lima Centro una zona que tiene atributos favorables y
desfavorables relacionados a la facilidad de hacer negocios.
El informe Doing Bussines en Perú 2016 muestra que el país tiene diversas
actividades por hacer para ser más competitivo frente a otros países que buscan atraer
inversiones; tal es el caso que en los resultados del 2015 Perú se ubicó en tercer lugar en
competitividad entre los cuatro países que se encuentran en la Alianza del Pacífico (AP), se
ubicó por debajo de México y Chile (primero y segundo respectivamente), y superó a
Colombia que se ubicó en la cuarta posición.
Esta investigación realiza un aporte importante con los indicadores de desempeño,
con los cuales se evalúa la eficacia, la eficiencia y la efectividad de las instituciones emisoras
y los organismos que participan en los cinco pilares; estos comprenden: superintendencias
públicas, municipalidades, asociaciones público-privadas (APP), notarías, y empresas
especializadas. Este tipo de indicadores son utilizados por Gobiernos de la región y la mayor
parte de los integrantes de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos
El propósito de la investigación se describe a continuación: ¿Cuáles son los plazos,
costos, y brechas del total de los procedimientos entre la práctica y lo normado vinculados a
la facilidad para hacer negocios en Lima Centro en 2016? A partir de la pregunta formulada y
luego de realizado el análisis, se concluye que para la puesta en marcha de una empresa en
Lima Centro se requieren 56 procedimientos, el tiempo estimado es de 442 días, y el costo
aproximado es de S/. 56,000.00.
Existen brechas entre lo estipulado en el gabinete y la entrevista del experto o lo que
realmente se realiza en la práctica; por lo cual se sugieren recomendaciones generales y por
cada pilar estudiado, como interconexión de las entidades públicas para disminuir los tiempos
en los procesos, facilitar canales de atención para la realización de pagos, realizar procesos en
paralelo para la disminución del tiempo. El objetivo es aportar con recomendaciones que
generen mayor competitividad para Lima Centro y optimizar los procesos
Finalmente, las recomendaciones más relevantes que esta investigación aporta están
dirigidas a las entidades relacionadas (i.e., superintendencias públicas, municipalidades, APP,
notarías, y empresas especializadas), de las cuales depende la facilidad de hacer negocios en
Lima Centro. De un total de siete recomendaciones generales se destacan las siguientes: (a)
Incentivar la cultura de simplificación de procedimientos e implementar la tramitación vía
Internet en los organismos vinculados a los procedimientos estudiados, lo cual otorgaría
ahorro en costos y tiempo. (b) Tercerizar los procesos en los cuales los trámites para hacer
negocios en Lima Centro interfieren con la carga de trabajo de las entidades públicas y
privadas relacionadas. (c) Incentivar a los colegios profesionales de tal manera que aporten
con consultorías ad honorem para optimizar los procedimientos estudiados, con la finalidad
de mejorar la competitividad de los pilares y otros factores relacionados del país
This work is the result of research carried out in order to investigate, understand, and reflect on the barriers and challenges that entrepreneurs and investors face to start a business in Lima Centre. The study is developed with the same methodology used by the report Doing Business presented by the World Bank (WB) applied to Lima Center and covers five pillars, which are: (a) opening of companies, (b) construction, (c) electricity obtaining permissions, (d) registration of property, and (e) contracts. This research has a non-experimental, descriptive and quantitative approach in which information is obtained from Cabinet (i.e., regulations and TUPA), and interviews with experts on instruments of study through a questionnaire with which are set the differences in procedures, costs, and time for the start-up of a company in Lima Center according to case studies of each pillar. The significance of this research is to contribute with information of the characteristics of areas as Lima Centro, since studies by the World Bank are as representative of the Peru town Lima and do not consider the characteristics most relevant to making Lima Center an area which has favorable and unfavorable attributes related to the ease of doing business. The Doing Bussines in Peru 2016 report shows that the country has several things to do to be more competitive to other countries seeking to attract investment; such is the case that in 2015 results Peru ranked third in competition among the four countries that are in the Pacific Alliance (AP), ranked below Mexico and Chile (first and second respectively), and outpointed Colombia ranked in the fourth position. This research makes an important contribution with the performance indicators, which evaluates the effectiveness, efficiency and the effectiveness of the issuing institutions and agencies involved in the five pillars; These include: public regulators, municipalities, publicprivate partnerships (PPPs), notaries, and specialized companies. This type of indicators are used by Governments in the region and most of the members of the Organization for cooperation and development (OECD) economic. The purpose of the investigation is as follows: what are deadlines, costs, and gaps of the total between the practice and the regulated procedures linked to ease doing business in Lima Centre in 2016? From the question and then the scan is performed, it is concluded that you for starting up a company in Lima Centre 56 procedures are required, the estimated time is 442 days, and the approximate cost is s /. 56,000.00. There are gaps between the provisions of Cabinet and the expert interview or what is actually done in practice; for general recommendations which suggested and every studied pillar, such as interconnection of public entities to reduce times in the process, to facilitate service for payments channels, perform processes in parallel to the reduced time. The aim is to contribute with recommendations that generate greater competitiveness for Lima Center and optimizing processes Finally, the most relevant recommendations provided by this research are directed to related entities (i.e., public regulators, municipalities, APP, notaries, and specialized companies), which depends on the ease of doing business in Lima Centre. A total of seven General recommendations include the following: (a) Encourage the culture of simplification of procedures and implement the agencies studied procedures processing via the Internet, which would be granted to savings in costs and time. (b) Outsource processes in existing procedures for doing business in Lima Center interfere with the workload of the related public and private entities. (c) Encourage professional bodies in such a way to provide with pro bono consulting to optimize studied procedures, with the aim of improving the competitiveness of the pillars and other related factors of the country
This work is the result of research carried out in order to investigate, understand, and reflect on the barriers and challenges that entrepreneurs and investors face to start a business in Lima Centre. The study is developed with the same methodology used by the report Doing Business presented by the World Bank (WB) applied to Lima Center and covers five pillars, which are: (a) opening of companies, (b) construction, (c) electricity obtaining permissions, (d) registration of property, and (e) contracts. This research has a non-experimental, descriptive and quantitative approach in which information is obtained from Cabinet (i.e., regulations and TUPA), and interviews with experts on instruments of study through a questionnaire with which are set the differences in procedures, costs, and time for the start-up of a company in Lima Center according to case studies of each pillar. The significance of this research is to contribute with information of the characteristics of areas as Lima Centro, since studies by the World Bank are as representative of the Peru town Lima and do not consider the characteristics most relevant to making Lima Center an area which has favorable and unfavorable attributes related to the ease of doing business. The Doing Bussines in Peru 2016 report shows that the country has several things to do to be more competitive to other countries seeking to attract investment; such is the case that in 2015 results Peru ranked third in competition among the four countries that are in the Pacific Alliance (AP), ranked below Mexico and Chile (first and second respectively), and outpointed Colombia ranked in the fourth position. This research makes an important contribution with the performance indicators, which evaluates the effectiveness, efficiency and the effectiveness of the issuing institutions and agencies involved in the five pillars; These include: public regulators, municipalities, publicprivate partnerships (PPPs), notaries, and specialized companies. This type of indicators are used by Governments in the region and most of the members of the Organization for cooperation and development (OECD) economic. The purpose of the investigation is as follows: what are deadlines, costs, and gaps of the total between the practice and the regulated procedures linked to ease doing business in Lima Centre in 2016? From the question and then the scan is performed, it is concluded that you for starting up a company in Lima Centre 56 procedures are required, the estimated time is 442 days, and the approximate cost is s /. 56,000.00. There are gaps between the provisions of Cabinet and the expert interview or what is actually done in practice; for general recommendations which suggested and every studied pillar, such as interconnection of public entities to reduce times in the process, to facilitate service for payments channels, perform processes in parallel to the reduced time. The aim is to contribute with recommendations that generate greater competitiveness for Lima Center and optimizing processes Finally, the most relevant recommendations provided by this research are directed to related entities (i.e., public regulators, municipalities, APP, notaries, and specialized companies), which depends on the ease of doing business in Lima Centre. A total of seven General recommendations include the following: (a) Encourage the culture of simplification of procedures and implement the agencies studied procedures processing via the Internet, which would be granted to savings in costs and time. (b) Outsource processes in existing procedures for doing business in Lima Center interfere with the workload of the related public and private entities. (c) Encourage professional bodies in such a way to provide with pro bono consulting to optimize studied procedures, with the aim of improving the competitiveness of the pillars and other related factors of the country
Palabras clave
Nuevas empresas, Emprendimiento (Administración), Investigación cuantitativa
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