Planeamiento estratégico para el departamento del Atlántico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El departamento del Atlántico cuenta con una excelente ubicación geográfica dentro
del territorio colombiano y a pesar del ser el tercero más pequeño en extensión, se ha
convertido en uno de los principales departamentos con mayor contribución al crecimiento de
la economía del país en los últimos años. Pese a lo anterior, existe desigualdad de
oportunidades entre su población, en términos de puestos de trabajos formales, desnutrición y
a educación de calidad, entre otros factores. Esto ha ocasionado que se presente
concentración de la población en las áreas metropolitanas, lo que ha llevado al abandono del
campo y a su subutilización como medio productivo.
Considerando esto y teniendo la premisa que un planeamiento estratégico es un
proceso que facilita la definición de planes para el cumplimiento de objetivos y que ayuda a
identificar las estrategias para tener resultados que sean sostenibles en el tiempo, en este
trabajo se esboza un planeamiento estratégico con visión al año 2028, que tiene como fin
brindar un mejor bienestar a la población, desarrollando sectores que tienen un importante
potencial de crecimiento, como lo son, el agro (piscicultura y avicultura) en áreas rurales y la
industria química (cerca a zonas portuarias), por lo que se requiere que haya inversiones por
parte del departamento en temas como educación e infraestructura, para alcanzar los
Después de analizar (interna y externamente) el departamento y quiénes son los
competidores del mismo, se han determinado 11 estrategias retenidas y 4 objetivos a largo
plazo que buscan consolidar el desarrollo económico del departamento y el bienestar social
de sus habitantes. Hay que tener en cuenta que el planeamiento es dinámico y se deben tener
métricas para medir el cumplimiento de los objetivos y si es necesario, actualizar el mismo a
las condiciones del entorno.
The department of the Atlántico has an excellent geographic location within the Colombian territory and despite being the third smallest department in extension; it has become one of the main with the greatest contribution to Colombia´s income growth in latest years. Nevertheless, there is still an inequality of opportunities for its population, in terms of formal jobs, malnutrition and quality education, among other factors. This has caused a large concentration of its inhabitants in metropolitan areas, leaving aside the country life and underusing it as a mean of production. Keeping this in mind, and having the premise that a strategic plan is a process that facilitates the definition of programs/plans to achieve targets, and also helps to identify strategies to obtain results that are sustainable over time, this work outlines a strategic planning with a long-term vision (up to the year 2028), which points out to provide better welfare to the people, developing economic sectors that have significant growth potential such as agriculture (fish farming and poultry keeping) in rural areas, and the chemical industry near ports, so it requires investments on issues such as education and infrastructure, to achieve the goals. After analyzing (internally and externally) the department and its competitors, 11 strategies were retained and 4 long-term objectives have been determined. Bearing in mind that the planning process is dynamic and that it must have KPI’s to measure its achievements of the objectives it might be able to update them according to new environmental conditions, if necessary.
The department of the Atlántico has an excellent geographic location within the Colombian territory and despite being the third smallest department in extension; it has become one of the main with the greatest contribution to Colombia´s income growth in latest years. Nevertheless, there is still an inequality of opportunities for its population, in terms of formal jobs, malnutrition and quality education, among other factors. This has caused a large concentration of its inhabitants in metropolitan areas, leaving aside the country life and underusing it as a mean of production. Keeping this in mind, and having the premise that a strategic plan is a process that facilitates the definition of programs/plans to achieve targets, and also helps to identify strategies to obtain results that are sustainable over time, this work outlines a strategic planning with a long-term vision (up to the year 2028), which points out to provide better welfare to the people, developing economic sectors that have significant growth potential such as agriculture (fish farming and poultry keeping) in rural areas, and the chemical industry near ports, so it requires investments on issues such as education and infrastructure, to achieve the goals. After analyzing (internally and externally) the department and its competitors, 11 strategies were retained and 4 long-term objectives have been determined. Bearing in mind that the planning process is dynamic and that it must have KPI’s to measure its achievements of the objectives it might be able to update them according to new environmental conditions, if necessary.
Palabras clave
Desarrollo regional--Atlántico (Colombia : Departamento), Planificación regional--Atlántico (Colombia : Departamento), Planificación estratégica
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