Planeamiento estratégico del sector cafetero del sur del Tolima en Colombia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El Sector Cafetero es uno de los impulsores de la economía en Colombia y
específicamente el del sur del Tolima está buscando surgir como una fuente de
ingreso estable para los caficultores y sus familias. Este plan es el resultado del
análisis de los factores internos y externos que afectan el Sector Cafetero del Sur del
Tolima y del análisis competitivo de Colombia y del sector cafetero. Luego de definir
la visión, misión, valores, y el código de ética, dentro de este se identificaron las
fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas, los factores clave de éxito, y las
estrategias internas y externas que catapultarían el sector hacia estadios superiores de
Las estrategias planteadas se basan en el desarrollo de cafés especiales, que
son altamente valorados en el ámbito mundial, aprovechando que el café producido en
el Tolima se caracteriza por su alto valor en taza frente a sus demás competidores.
Debido a las condiciones económicas que se presentan en las materias primas en el
ámbito mundial, se busca minimizar costos de producción con el fin de no afectar
tanto el ingreso de las familias dedicadas a este negocio como la inversión privada
que permita apoyar el negocio. De esta forma, se espera que para 2023 el café de la
zona esté posicionado en el primer lugar de la producción nacional por medio de la
implementación de prácticas que contribuyan al bienestar económico de las familias
dedicadas a este negocio así como la implementación de prácticas que contribuyan al
cuidado del medioambiente.
The coffee sector is one of the drivers of the economy in Colombia and specifically in the south of Tolima is seeking to emerge as a source of stable income for coffee farmers and their families. This plan is the result of the analysis of the internal and external factors concerning the coffee industry in the South of Tolima and the competitive analysis of Colombia and the coffee sector. After defining the vision, mission, values and code of ethics, it identified the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, key success factors and internal and external strategies that would catapult the sector towards higher stages of development. The strategies we propose are based on the development of special types of coffee, which are highly valued worldwide, taking advantage ofthe fact that the coffee produced in Tolima is characterized by its high value in cup compared to its other competitors. Due to the present situation of commodities in the world we try to minimize the production costs so the income of the families in the business and private investors are not affected. In this way we expect that by 2022 the coffee of this region will occupy the first place on the national production due to the implementation of strategies that led to economic prosperity of the families involved and also the implementation of practices leading to the protection of the environment.
The coffee sector is one of the drivers of the economy in Colombia and specifically in the south of Tolima is seeking to emerge as a source of stable income for coffee farmers and their families. This plan is the result of the analysis of the internal and external factors concerning the coffee industry in the South of Tolima and the competitive analysis of Colombia and the coffee sector. After defining the vision, mission, values and code of ethics, it identified the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, key success factors and internal and external strategies that would catapult the sector towards higher stages of development. The strategies we propose are based on the development of special types of coffee, which are highly valued worldwide, taking advantage ofthe fact that the coffee produced in Tolima is characterized by its high value in cup compared to its other competitors. Due to the present situation of commodities in the world we try to minimize the production costs so the income of the families in the business and private investors are not affected. In this way we expect that by 2022 the coffee of this region will occupy the first place on the national production due to the implementation of strategies that led to economic prosperity of the families involved and also the implementation of practices leading to the protection of the environment.
Palabras clave
Desarrollo regional--Tolima (Colombia : Departamento), Planificación regional--Tolima (Colombia : Departamento), Café--Industria y comercio--Colombia, Planificación estratégica
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