La Terminación Convencional del Procedimiento Sancionador: la Administración concertada en materia sancionadora
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Una de las transformaciones más importantes del derecho administrativo contemporáneo es la apertura a la concertación con los agentes privados y no solo manifestarse de manera autoritaria y unilateral. Ello conlleva al desarrollo de los conciertos administrativas que aparecen en diversas materias y también en el ejercicio de la potestad sancionadora.Una de sus expresiones es el compromiso de cese por el cual un procedimientoadministrativo sancionador puede concluir por medio del acuerdo entre el presuntoinfractor y la administración por el que se permite alcanzar los mismos fines pretendidos por la sanción administrativa pero de manera más eficiente y consistente en el tiempo, ahorrando recursos y abreviando plazos.
One of the most important transformations of contemporary Administrative Law is open to cooperation with private actors and not just manifest authoritarian and unilaterally. This involves the development of administrative concerts that appear in various areas and in the exercise of sanctioning powers. One of its expressions is the commitment to cease by which an administrative penalty procedure could be concluded by the agreement between the alleged offender and administration which it obtain the same purpose intended by the administrative penalty but more efficiently and consistently in time, saving resources and shortening deadlines.
One of the most important transformations of contemporary Administrative Law is open to cooperation with private actors and not just manifest authoritarian and unilaterally. This involves the development of administrative concerts that appear in various areas and in the exercise of sanctioning powers. One of its expressions is the commitment to cease by which an administrative penalty procedure could be concluded by the agreement between the alleged offender and administration which it obtain the same purpose intended by the administrative penalty but more efficiently and consistently in time, saving resources and shortening deadlines.
Palabras clave
Administrative Penalty, Administrative Procedure, Commitment Termination, Termination of Administrative Procedure, Concerted Management, Sanción Administrativa, Procedimiento Administrativo Sancionador, Compromiso de Cese, Terminación Convencional de Procedimiento Administrativo, Administración Concertada
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