Convergencia de la Interoperabilidad, Accesibilidad e Inclusión Digital en el marco del nuevo Gobierno de la Información y el Derecho Informático
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el presente artículo, la autora relaciona los conceptos de accesibilidad, inclusión digital e interoperabilidad con las nuevas formas de gobierno. Para ello, en primer lugar, se resalta la orientación del Gobierno a las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación a través de la Agenda Digital Peruana 2.0. Luego, se define a la interoperabilidad como la capacidad de dos o más sistemas informáticos para intercambiar datos entre sí. Posteriormente, se enuncia que todo ciudadano debe tener las facilidades para el acceso a los servicios que brinda el Estado (accesibilidad). De la misma manera, se resalta la necesidad de lograr una inclusión digital a través de una alfabetización digital, poniendo como ejemplo de ello al Yachayhuasi. Finalmente, se enuncian algunos aspectos a tomar en cuenta para mejorar el progreso tecnológico y el desarrollo del Derecho Informático, tales como el incremento presupuestario, la creación de un Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, y la necesidad de reformar la currícula universitaria en las Facultades de Derecho incluyendo cursos como Derecho Informático o Informática Jurídica como obligatorios.
In this paper, the author combines the concept of accessibility, digital inclusion and interoperability with new forms of government. In order to achieve this purpose; first, he highlights the orientation of the Government to the information and communication technology through the Peruvian Digital Agenda 2.0. Then, he defines interoperability as the ability of two or more computer systems to exchange data with each other. Later, it is stated that every citizen should have the opportunity to access the services provided by the Government (accessibility). In the same way, the necessity to achieve digital inclusion through digital literacy is emphasized, using as an example the Peruvian Digital Yachayhuasi. Finally, some aspects are set in order to improve technological progress and to develop a new brand of Information Law, such as the increase of budget, the creation of a Ministry of Science and Technology, and the necessary reform of programs in law schools in order to include courses such as Information Law and Legal Informatics.
In this paper, the author combines the concept of accessibility, digital inclusion and interoperability with new forms of government. In order to achieve this purpose; first, he highlights the orientation of the Government to the information and communication technology through the Peruvian Digital Agenda 2.0. Then, he defines interoperability as the ability of two or more computer systems to exchange data with each other. Later, it is stated that every citizen should have the opportunity to access the services provided by the Government (accessibility). In the same way, the necessity to achieve digital inclusion through digital literacy is emphasized, using as an example the Peruvian Digital Yachayhuasi. Finally, some aspects are set in order to improve technological progress and to develop a new brand of Information Law, such as the increase of budget, the creation of a Ministry of Science and Technology, and the necessary reform of programs in law schools in order to include courses such as Information Law and Legal Informatics.
Palabras clave
Interoperabilidad, Accesibilidad, Inclusión Digital, Derecho Informático, Informática Jurídica, Agenda Digital Peruana
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