El precio determinable por tercero en la compraventa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El autor realiza un análisis del pago determinable por tercero desde los recientes estudios del derecho civil patrimonial y del análisis económico del derecho.Primero se define al precio como aquella valoración subjetiva que tienen las partes contratantes respecto de determinados bienes. De la misma manera, el precio determinable es aquel que no está explicitado en el contrato, sino que en el mismo se establecen las reglas necesarias y suficientes para que, sin la posterior intervención de las partes contratantes, se pueda determinar el precio. La determinación del precio hecha por un tercero no puede ser calificada como arbitraria, ya que ésta es producto de la libre negociación de las partes. Finalmente, se sostiene que existen dos formas de comprender la naturaleza jurídica del precio determinable: considerarlo como un contrato nulo mientras esté pendiente su determinación y, la segunda, que éste genera efectos obligacionales, por lo que es válido y eficaz desde el momento en que las partes contratantes expresan su consentimiento.
The author analyzes the institution of third party pricing from recent studies of civil law and economic analysis of law. First, price is defined as a subjective valuation done by contracting parties regarding certain goods. Similarly, the determinable price is the one that is not explicit in the contract, but the necessary and sufficient rules are settled in order to determine the price without the intervention of the parties. The pricing made by a third party cannot be described as arbitrary, because it is the result of free negotiation of the parties. Finally, it is argued that there are two ways of understanding the legal nature of price determination: consider it as a void contract while his determination is pending and, second, that it generates obligational effects, so it is valid from the date on which the contracting parties express their consent.
The author analyzes the institution of third party pricing from recent studies of civil law and economic analysis of law. First, price is defined as a subjective valuation done by contracting parties regarding certain goods. Similarly, the determinable price is the one that is not explicit in the contract, but the necessary and sufficient rules are settled in order to determine the price without the intervention of the parties. The pricing made by a third party cannot be described as arbitrary, because it is the result of free negotiation of the parties. Finally, it is argued that there are two ways of understanding the legal nature of price determination: consider it as a void contract while his determination is pending and, second, that it generates obligational effects, so it is valid from the date on which the contracting parties express their consent.
Palabras clave
Precio, Derecho Civil Patrimonial, Precio Determinable por Tercero, Análisis Económico del Derecho, Contratos, Autonomía Privada
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