Los poderes probatorios del juez y el modelo de proceso
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El trabajo intenta mostrar las debilidades de las objeciones tradicionales a los poderes probatorios del juez. Para ello, se sostiene, por un lado, que la respuesta a la cuestión debe necesariamente vincularse al modelo de proceso y de juez que se pretenda implementar y, por el otro, que una respuesta adecuada al problema requiere un análisis cuidadoso de los distintos poderes probatorios y del reparto de los mismos entre el juez y las partes.
The work attempts to show the weaknesses of the traditional objections to the evidentiary powers of the judge. For this, it is argued, on the one hand, that the answer to the question must necessarily be linked to the process model and of judge that is intended to be implemented and, on the other, that an adequate response to the problem requires a careful analysis of the different evidential powers and the distribution of the same between the judge and the parties.
The work attempts to show the weaknesses of the traditional objections to the evidentiary powers of the judge. For this, it is argued, on the one hand, that the answer to the question must necessarily be linked to the process model and of judge that is intended to be implemented and, on the other, that an adequate response to the problem requires a careful analysis of the different evidential powers and the distribution of the same between the judge and the parties.
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