Hablemos de embarazos forzados y violencia sexual
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Una de las manifestaciones más terribles de la violencia contra las mujeres es la violación sexual. La intencionalidad de este acto es humillar, degradar y castigar. Este trato inhumano genera graves sufrimientos en las mujeres, al afectar no solo su salud física sino también mental. Una violación sexual puede tener como consecuencia un embarazo no solo “no deseado”, sino impuesto a través del ejercicio del poder. La penalización del aborto, expone a las sobrevivientes de violencia a mayores sufrimientos, malos tratos y situaciones crueles que por extensión podrían considerarse tortura. El presente documento aborda estas reflexiones, planteando ampliar las disertaciones legales sobre lo que se considera un “embarazo forzado”, para incluir el embarazo producto de una violación sexual en un contexto de prohibición del derecho a decidir, como tal. Para estas reflexiones se parte del enfoque de derechos y de género, planteando además que en tanto los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres no se encuentren garantizados la violencia contra las mujeres persistirá.
One of the worst manifestations of violence against women: sexual violation. The intent of this act is to humiliate, degrade and punish. This causes serious suffering inhumane treatment in women, affecting not only their physical but also mental health. Sexual violation can result not only an “unwanted” pregnancy but imposed through the exercise of power. The criminalization of abortion exposes survivors of violence to further suffering, ill-treatment and cruel situations by extension could be considered torture. This paper addresses these reflections, raising expand the legal dissertations on what is considered a “forced pregnancy” to include the pregnancy product of sexual violation in a context of prohibition of the right to decide, as such. For these reflections is part of the rights approach and gender, while also stating that reproductive rights of women not violence against women persist are guaranteed.
One of the worst manifestations of violence against women: sexual violation. The intent of this act is to humiliate, degrade and punish. This causes serious suffering inhumane treatment in women, affecting not only their physical but also mental health. Sexual violation can result not only an “unwanted” pregnancy but imposed through the exercise of power. The criminalization of abortion exposes survivors of violence to further suffering, ill-treatment and cruel situations by extension could be considered torture. This paper addresses these reflections, raising expand the legal dissertations on what is considered a “forced pregnancy” to include the pregnancy product of sexual violation in a context of prohibition of the right to decide, as such. For these reflections is part of the rights approach and gender, while also stating that reproductive rights of women not violence against women persist are guaranteed.
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