La salud: Derecho Constitucional de carácter programático y operativo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El derecho a la salud es un derecho universal de segunda generación clasificado en el conjunto de los derechos sociales, económicos y culturales de la humanidad siendo aceptado en el mundo por su carácter programático. A punto de llegar a los cien años de ese reconocimiento, su carácter de derecho operativo, exigible y tutelable o subjetivo constitucionalmente reconocido se ha venido consolidando gracias al desarrollo de la jurisprudencia de los tribunales constitucionales; posteriormente a ese fenómeno jurídico, en nuestro país, se regula su exigibilidad vía proceso de amparo en el Código Procesal Constitucional y se amplía su protección, en ambos ámbitos, con las facultades asignadas al órgano regulador y fiscalizador del sector salud a nivel nacional, de potestad administrativa sancionadora.
The right to health is a universal right of second-generation, classified in the setof social, economic and cultural rights of mankind; gaining acceptance worldwide for its programmatic nature. On the verge of reaching 100 years of that recognition, its character of constitutionally recognized, operational, enforceable or subjective right has been consolidated thanks to the development of the jurisprudence of the constitutional courts; subsequent to this legal phenomenon, its enforceability trough protective process of amparo in the constitutional code of procedure is regulated in our country and expands its protection, in both areas, the powers assigned to the regulatory and supervisory body of the health sector at the national level, of administrative sanctioning power.
The right to health is a universal right of second-generation, classified in the setof social, economic and cultural rights of mankind; gaining acceptance worldwide for its programmatic nature. On the verge of reaching 100 years of that recognition, its character of constitutionally recognized, operational, enforceable or subjective right has been consolidated thanks to the development of the jurisprudence of the constitutional courts; subsequent to this legal phenomenon, its enforceability trough protective process of amparo in the constitutional code of procedure is regulated in our country and expands its protection, in both areas, the powers assigned to the regulatory and supervisory body of the health sector at the national level, of administrative sanctioning power.
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