Teoría del Derecho entendida como Teoría Prudencial del Derecho
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Durante siglos se ha estudiado y entendido el Derecho en clave humana. Esa forma de entenderlo usaba de la argumentación, de la tópica, de la retórica, y de la dialéctica como métodos de trabajo. El resultado era un Derecho humanista, plural y en permanente movimiento. Esta situación cambió en el siglo XIX con el inicio de las corrientes iuspositivistas, que enfocan el estudio del Derecho como ordenamiento jurídico. El resultado es un Derecho rígido, poco flexible, y poco adaptado a la experiencia jurídica. Entendemos que esta situación debe variar, y que urge combinar ciencia y prudencia para ofrecer una Teoría del Derecho que pueda ser entendida como Teoría Prudencial del Derecho. Creemos que de ese modo se retomará una visión de la experiencia jurídica más flexible, más plural, más práctica, más humanista y sobre todo más justa.
During centuries, law has been studied and understood under a human view. This way of understanding law used the argumentation, the topic, the rhetoric and the dialectics as working methods. The result was a plural and continuously in movement humanistic law. The situation changes in 19 century with the beginning of the iuspositivism movements with a focus in the study of law as legal frame. The result is a rigid, non-flexible and poorly adapted to judicial experience law. We understand that this situation must change and is urgent to combine science and prudence in order to be able to provide a Theory of law, that can be understood as a Prudential Theory of Law. This according to our understanding will enable the recuperation of a more flexible, plural and humanistic and above anything a fairer judicial experience.
During centuries, law has been studied and understood under a human view. This way of understanding law used the argumentation, the topic, the rhetoric and the dialectics as working methods. The result was a plural and continuously in movement humanistic law. The situation changes in 19 century with the beginning of the iuspositivism movements with a focus in the study of law as legal frame. The result is a rigid, non-flexible and poorly adapted to judicial experience law. We understand that this situation must change and is urgent to combine science and prudence in order to be able to provide a Theory of law, that can be understood as a Prudential Theory of Law. This according to our understanding will enable the recuperation of a more flexible, plural and humanistic and above anything a fairer judicial experience.
Palabras clave
Teoría del derecho, Prudencia jurídica, Tópica jurídica, Retórica jurídica, Dialéctica jurídica, Argumentación jurídica, Iusnaturalismo, Iuspositivismo
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