Fallos Judiciales, ¿Violan los Principios Regulatorios?
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En noviembre del 2014, el Cuarto Juzgado Especializado en lo Contencioso Administrativo dispuso que OSINERGMIN dé cumplimiento a la Resolución de la Sala Contencioso Administrativa Transitoria de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima, que estableció que el concesionario de Generación eléctrica ENERSUR S.A. no tiene responsabilidad de pago por el uso de un sistema secundario de transmisión1 eléctrica Chilca - Independencia, contraviniendo la Ley 28832 que asegura el desarrollo eficiente de la generación eléctrica. El Poder Judicial sustentó su decisión en una errada interpretación del contrato de la concesionaria de Transmisión Eléctrica Red de Energía del Perú (REP) con el Estado para aplicarla a ENERSUR S.A.Dicha decisión del poder judicial es ilegal, crea precedentes antitécnicos, viola los principios regulatorios de autonomía, neutralidad, libre competencia, no discriminación y perjudica a millones de usuarios al incrementar tarifas eléctricas para su cumplimiento.
In November 2014 the Fourth Court for Administrative Matters ruled that OSINERGMIN give effect to Resolution of Disputes Transitional Administrative Chamber of the Superior Court of Lima, which established the dealership ENERSUR Electricity generation has no responsibility for payment the use of a secondary power transmission system Chilca - Independencia, contrary to Law 28832 which ensures the efficient development of electricity generation.The Judiciary based its decision on an incorrect interpretation of the concession contract Electricity Transmission Red de Energía del Peru (REP) with the State to apply to ENERSUR. The decision of the judiciary is illegal, creates anti-technical precedent, violating the regulatory principles of independence, neutrality, competition, non-discrimination and harms millions of users to increase electricity tariffs for compliance.
In November 2014 the Fourth Court for Administrative Matters ruled that OSINERGMIN give effect to Resolution of Disputes Transitional Administrative Chamber of the Superior Court of Lima, which established the dealership ENERSUR Electricity generation has no responsibility for payment the use of a secondary power transmission system Chilca - Independencia, contrary to Law 28832 which ensures the efficient development of electricity generation.The Judiciary based its decision on an incorrect interpretation of the concession contract Electricity Transmission Red de Energía del Peru (REP) with the State to apply to ENERSUR. The decision of the judiciary is illegal, creates anti-technical precedent, violating the regulatory principles of independence, neutrality, competition, non-discrimination and harms millions of users to increase electricity tariffs for compliance.
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