Economía y empresa en Arequipa a inicios de la República, 1825-1850
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
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La producción historiográfica en torno a la economía arequipeña del siglo XIX nos presenta un panorama bastante conocido y frecuente, relacionado con la crisis de la industria vinatera y elauge de las exportaciones laneras; sin embargo, al no existir una verdadera continuidad entreestos dos períodos, ella ha pasado por alto varias décadas de esfuerzos personales y colectivos,públicos y privados, nacionales y extranjeros,realizados con el objetivo de contrarrestar la intrincadasituación económica de nuestros primeros años republicanos. En tal sentido, utilizandoinformación de primera mano, obtenida principalmente de protocolos notariales, el presente trabajode investigación busca en primer término, entender la situación económica regional durantelas primeras décadas de vida independiente y en segundo, conocer todo el tejido empresarial, queen forma de sociedades o compañías, se estructuró en Arequipa durante aquellos difíciles años de iniciación de nuestra República.
Historiographical production around Arequipa’s economy in the nineteenth century presents a well-known and commonplace scenario: a crisis in the wine industry and the rise of wool exports. However, since there is no real continuity between these two periods, decades of personal and collective efforts—public and private, domestic and foreign—made with the aim of countering the intricate economic situation of our early Republic have been overlooked. In this regard, using first-hand information, obtained mainly from notarial records, this research seeks first, to understand the regional economic situation during the initial decades of independence; and second, to ascertain the business fabric, and the forms of partnerships or companies that werestructured in Arequipa during those difficult early years of our Republic.
Historiographical production around Arequipa’s economy in the nineteenth century presents a well-known and commonplace scenario: a crisis in the wine industry and the rise of wool exports. However, since there is no real continuity between these two periods, decades of personal and collective efforts—public and private, domestic and foreign—made with the aim of countering the intricate economic situation of our early Republic have been overlooked. In this regard, using first-hand information, obtained mainly from notarial records, this research seeks first, to understand the regional economic situation during the initial decades of independence; and second, to ascertain the business fabric, and the forms of partnerships or companies that werestructured in Arequipa during those difficult early years of our Republic.
Palabras clave
Arequipa, Compañías, Viticultura, Minería, Comercio, Exportaciones
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