Tres respuestas a una modernidad en crisis: algunas posturas escépticas, estoicas y cínicas en la obra de Julio Ramón Ribeyro
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva Agüero
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Atrapado entre la intransigencia del canon del boom y su propia lucha contra el cáncer,Julio Ramón Ribeyro (1929-1994) adopta tres posturas fi losófi cas que determinan la configuración de sus relatos, su relación con la historia literaria, así como su ética personal enLa tentación del fracaso. El objetivo de este trabajo es entender cómo la relación entre estastres reacciones posturales (Meizoz) -escepticismo, estoicismo y cinismo- se confi gurancomo una respuesta original a los desafíos literarios y existenciales que le tocaron vivir y queRibeyro entendía como las dos caras de una misma moneda.
Trapped between the intransigence of the boom’s canon and its own fi ght against cancer,Julio Ramón Ribeyro (1929-1994) adopts three philosophical positions that determine thesetting of his stories, his link with literary history, as well as his personal ethics in La tentacióndel fracaso. The goal of the present paper is to understand how the relationship betweenthese three postural reactions (Meizoz) –skepticism, stoicism and cynicism– is confi gured asan original response to literary and existential challenges that the author had lived through,and that he understood as the two sides of the same coin.
Trapped between the intransigence of the boom’s canon and its own fi ght against cancer,Julio Ramón Ribeyro (1929-1994) adopts three philosophical positions that determine thesetting of his stories, his link with literary history, as well as his personal ethics in La tentacióndel fracaso. The goal of the present paper is to understand how the relationship betweenthese three postural reactions (Meizoz) –skepticism, stoicism and cynicism– is confi gured asan original response to literary and existential challenges that the author had lived through,and that he understood as the two sides of the same coin.
Palabras clave
Revistas generales, Historiografía—Revistas, Filosofía--Revistas, Crisis, Julio Ramón Ribeyro, Skepticism, Stoicism, Cynicism
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