Confederaciones interprovinciales y grandes señores interétnicos en el Tawantinsuyu
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Los cuatro suyus del Tawantinsuyu estuvieron divididos en varias provincias administrativas llamadas guamaníes; pero, existieron también algunas confederaciones interprovinciales y otras divisiones administrativas interétnicas dentro del Estado Inca, entre las que destacaron Colesuyu, Collao, Charcas, etc. A pesar de la poca información sobre el tema, se sabe que algunos jefes de estas confederaciones fueron considerados como apocuna, "soberanos, capitanes generales y segundas personas del Inca". Así pues, según un manuscrito inédito conservado en el Archivo General de Indias de Sevilla, un nieto del curaca de Lurin Huanca declaró en 1561 que su abuelo se casó con la hija del Inca y en su condición de yerno habría gobernado el territorio que se extendía hasta las provincias de Quito, siendo además señor de las parcialidades de "hananguanca, luringuanca y Jauja". Aunque no se acepta esta información en sentido literal, tampoco se la rechaza, pues se tiene conocimiento de otras declaraciones parecidas como testimonios independientes, dentro de un grupo de otras manifestaciones. Pudo suceder que los incas del Cuzco dieron mercedes especiales con poderes interprovinciales —dentro de los respectivos suyus— a los jefes que se distinguieron en las campañas conquistadoras, pero también algunos incas del culto estatal, como Apu Chalco Yupanqui, hijo del primer gobernador de Copacabana, tenían mucha autoridad interprovincial, parecida a la que Sarmiento describe en relación a un suyoyoc apo. Por ello, en este artículo se presenta la hipótesis de que el origen de dicho tipo de confederaciones y poderes interétnicos puede ser militar o religioso. Además, parece que muchas veces los poderes religiosos eran inseparables de los poderes militares, porque cada grupo militar tenía también su propia huaca o ídolo poderoso, muchas veces compartido con varias etnias de la misma área. En general, los jefes de los grupos más hábiles en los frentes bélicos recibieron ciertos privilegios y también es posible que, posteriormente, estos mismos grupos hayan sido empleados como unidades de la administración política y económica.
Interprovincial Confederations and Great Inter-Ethnic Lords in TawantinsuyuThe four suyus of Tawantinsuyu were divided into various administrative provinces called guamaníes. However, there were also some interprovincial confederations as well as other inter-ethnic formations within the Inca State (e.g. Colesuyu, Collao, Charcas, etc.). They remain a much-neglected area of investigation, but we do know that some of the lords of these confederations were regarded as apocuna, "kings, captain generals and segundas personas of the Inca". For example, according to an unpublished manuscript, kept in the General Indian Archive of Seville, the grandson of the curaca of Lurin Huanca said in 1561 that his grandfather was married to an Inca daughter, and as an Inca’s son-in-law, he governed a territory up to the Quito, as he was also the lord of the parcialidades of "hananguanca, luringuanca y Jauja". While we need not take this statement too literally, we should not reject it, either, among many other independent and quite similar pieces of evidence. It seems that special privileges with interprovincial powers were indeed granted by the Incas (within the respective suyus), and especially to chiefs who distinguished themselves in military campaigns. Furthermore, some Incas related to a religious cult, such as Apu Chalco Yupanqui, the son of the first Copacabana Governor, also had great interprovincial authority, similar to that described by Sarmiento in connection with suyoyoc apo. In this article we aim to elaborate on the hypothesis that the origin of these kinds of confederations and inter-ethnic powers may have been political or religious. Additionally, it seems that religion and military powers were frequently inseparable, because every military group had its own huaca or powerful idol, commonly shared with various local ethnic groups of the same area. In general, it was the chiefs of the most important military groups that received special privileges, and it was these same groups that were later used to setting up units of political and economic administration.
Interprovincial Confederations and Great Inter-Ethnic Lords in TawantinsuyuThe four suyus of Tawantinsuyu were divided into various administrative provinces called guamaníes. However, there were also some interprovincial confederations as well as other inter-ethnic formations within the Inca State (e.g. Colesuyu, Collao, Charcas, etc.). They remain a much-neglected area of investigation, but we do know that some of the lords of these confederations were regarded as apocuna, "kings, captain generals and segundas personas of the Inca". For example, according to an unpublished manuscript, kept in the General Indian Archive of Seville, the grandson of the curaca of Lurin Huanca said in 1561 that his grandfather was married to an Inca daughter, and as an Inca’s son-in-law, he governed a territory up to the Quito, as he was also the lord of the parcialidades of "hananguanca, luringuanca y Jauja". While we need not take this statement too literally, we should not reject it, either, among many other independent and quite similar pieces of evidence. It seems that special privileges with interprovincial powers were indeed granted by the Incas (within the respective suyus), and especially to chiefs who distinguished themselves in military campaigns. Furthermore, some Incas related to a religious cult, such as Apu Chalco Yupanqui, the son of the first Copacabana Governor, also had great interprovincial authority, similar to that described by Sarmiento in connection with suyoyoc apo. In this article we aim to elaborate on the hypothesis that the origin of these kinds of confederations and inter-ethnic powers may have been political or religious. Additionally, it seems that religion and military powers were frequently inseparable, because every military group had its own huaca or powerful idol, commonly shared with various local ethnic groups of the same area. In general, it was the chiefs of the most important military groups that received special privileges, and it was these same groups that were later used to setting up units of political and economic administration.
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