Huaca 20 en el Complejo Maranga: la ocupación lima a inicios del Horizonte Medio
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El sitio arqueológico Huaca 20 se encuentra al interior del Complejo Maranga, a cuatro kilómetros al sur del río Rímac. Las excavaciones llevadas a cabo desde nales de la década de 1990, han develado un sitio con un proceso de ocupación complejo, que se inicia en el Periodo Intermedio Temprano con evidencias de materiales del estilo Lima Medio, que continúa durante el Horizonte Medio cuando es abandonado, para luego ser reutilizado durante el Periodo Intermedio Tardío como un montículo funerario.El presente trabajo pretende mostrar los avances de una investigación aún en curso, que plantea nuevas hipótesis sobre la utilización del espacio en Huaca 20. Los datos recopilados en las últimas excavaciones nos indican que, para iniciosdel Horizonte Medio, habría pasado de ser un sitio con características netamente domésticas a estar dividido en zonas con usos diferenciados. Dentro de estas zonas se registró un área de uso doméstico/productivo, dos áreas de uso funerario, y un área de uso administrativo. Esta última, según las evidencias, habría servido de nexo entre las actividades llevadas a cabo en la Huaca Potosí Alto y en el área doméstica de Huaca 20.
The Huaca 20 site is a component of the Maranga Complex, located four kilometers to the south of the Rímac River, in the lower Rímac Valley. e archaeological excavations carried out in this site since the late 1990’s have uncovered a complex occupation that started during the Early Intermediate Period associated with Middle Lima artifacts, this occupation continued until a temporary abandonment during the Middle Horizon with a later occupation during the Late Intermediate Period, when the site was a funerary platform. is article shows the results of ongoing studies focused on the Middle Horizon occupation of Huaca 20. e last excavations at this site indicate that during the Middle Horizon, Huaca 20 was no longer domestic compound of Maranga but became an area composed of more dierentiated sectorswhich included domestic/productive, funerary, and administrative sectors. is latter would have served as a connection between Huaca 20 and the monumental structure of Huaca Potosí Alto.
The Huaca 20 site is a component of the Maranga Complex, located four kilometers to the south of the Rímac River, in the lower Rímac Valley. e archaeological excavations carried out in this site since the late 1990’s have uncovered a complex occupation that started during the Early Intermediate Period associated with Middle Lima artifacts, this occupation continued until a temporary abandonment during the Middle Horizon with a later occupation during the Late Intermediate Period, when the site was a funerary platform. is article shows the results of ongoing studies focused on the Middle Horizon occupation of Huaca 20. e last excavations at this site indicate that during the Middle Horizon, Huaca 20 was no longer domestic compound of Maranga but became an area composed of more dierentiated sectorswhich included domestic/productive, funerary, and administrative sectors. is latter would have served as a connection between Huaca 20 and the monumental structure of Huaca Potosí Alto.
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