Una reevaluación del desarrollo de la sociedad compleja durante el Precerámico Tardío en base a los fechados radiocarbónicos y a las investigaciones arqueológicas en el valle de Casma
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
En muchos aspectos, los sitios precerámicos de Casma son típicos de las ocupaciones precerámicas del resto del Perú. Sin embargo, en los sitios de Tortugas y Huaynuná de Casma se encuentran los inicios de la arquitectura no doméstica o monumental. Además, en el sitio de Huaynuná tambien hay evidencia de una ocupación "acerámica" que coexistía con los primeros asentamientos con cerámica del Periodo Inicial o Formativo Temprano. El reconocimiento de los sitios acerámicos en Casma llamó la atención a otros sitios que, aunque carecen de cerámica, tienen fechados radiocarbónicos después de 1800 a.C., es decir durante lo que típicamente se consideraba como el Formativo Temprano. Este hallazgo tiene implicaciones con respecto a la hipótesis marítima y el desarrollo de la sociedad compleja en la costa peruana.
A Reexamination of the Development of the Late Preceramic Complex Society through the Radiocarbon Dates and Archaeological Researches in Casma ValleyIn many aspects, the preceramic sites of Casma are typical of preceramic occupations in other parts of Peru. Nevertheless, the beginnings of nondomestic or monumental architecture are present at the Casma sites of Tortugas and Huaynuna. In addition, at the site of Huaynuna there is evidence of an "aceramic" occupation that coexisted with the first settlements associated with ceramics in the Early Formative or Initial Period. The existence of aceramic sites in Casma called attention to other sites that, though lacking ceramics, have radiocarbon dates later than 1800 a.C., that is, during the time period typically considered as the Early Formative. This realization has implications with respect to the maritime hypothesis and the development of complex society along the Peruvian coast.
A Reexamination of the Development of the Late Preceramic Complex Society through the Radiocarbon Dates and Archaeological Researches in Casma ValleyIn many aspects, the preceramic sites of Casma are typical of preceramic occupations in other parts of Peru. Nevertheless, the beginnings of nondomestic or monumental architecture are present at the Casma sites of Tortugas and Huaynuna. In addition, at the site of Huaynuna there is evidence of an "aceramic" occupation that coexisted with the first settlements associated with ceramics in the Early Formative or Initial Period. The existence of aceramic sites in Casma called attention to other sites that, though lacking ceramics, have radiocarbon dates later than 1800 a.C., that is, during the time period typically considered as the Early Formative. This realization has implications with respect to the maritime hypothesis and the development of complex society along the Peruvian coast.
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