La plaza y la fiesta: reflexiones acerca de la función de los patios en la arquitectura pública prehispánica de los periodos tardíos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
La recurrencia de patios cercados (canchas), "audiencias" y pórticos, lugares destinados para albergar largas filas de personas sentadas de manera cómoda a la sombra de techo y de espaldas a una pared, así como la presencia de plataformas accesibles por medio de rampas o escaleras cuentan entre los rasgos que definen el carácter peculiar de la arquitectura de los periodos tardíos en los Andes, un aspecto difícil de interpretar desde el punto de vista de la función. Recientes discusiones sobre las características de la arquitectura palaciega en los Andes prehispánicos han puesto en evidencia los problemas con los que tropiezan los intentos de hacer el deslinde formal y funcional entre la residencia principal del gobernante y el templo a partir de las evidencias arqueológicas. Las investigaciones realizadas en Pueblo Viejo-Pucará desde 1999 hasta el presente en el marco del Proyecto Arqueológico-Taller de Campo "Lomas de Lurín", Convenio Cementos Lima S.A.-Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, bajo la dirección de Krzysztof Makowski, aportan datos valiosos a la discusión del tema dado que han abarcado más de 6000 metros cuadrados de superficie excavada en cuatro de los cinco sectores del sitio, incluidas dos estructuras residenciales de elite de carácter palaciego y un templo que corona una elevación, denominado "Templo de la Cima". La comparación entre las hipotéticas moradas de dos curacas, dos residencias de elite y las demás unidades residenciales excavadas en Pueblo Viejo-Pucará deja en claro que la presencia del patio central con amplias cocinas y áreas de agasajo en forma de recintos anexos y pórticos constituye la principal diferencia entre la residencia de elite y la casa común. El patio es el área central de la vida pública, donde, de manera frecuente, se ofrecen banquetes con comida de carácter festivo, rica en la preciada carne de camélidos y de cérvidos, así como en chicha, la que se sirve en vasijas finas ejecutadas en estilos de prestigio. El palacio principal difiere de las demás residencias por la presencia de un ushnu con cámaras funerarias adosadas, dos plazas relacionadas con el culto de dos huancas y de, por lo menos, un afloramiento rocoso con ofrendas de conchas Spondylus princeps, oro y plata, el que habría sido venerado como huaca.
The recurrence in the use of enclosed courtyards and porches where people sat in the shade, back against the wall, and with platforms accessible only by ramps or stairs, are unique characteristics found in late period Andean structures. This particularity as well as some another features make difficult to understand the functions and uses of monumental architecture in the ancient Central Andes. The recent discussion about these architectural features found in prehispanic Andean palaces proves the common disagreements even with substantial archaeological evidence where seems not easy to distinct between governors main residences and temples. The investigations carried out at Pueblo Viejo-Pucará, "Lomas de Lurín" Archaeological Project-Field School, Convenio Cementos Lima S.A.-Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, under the direction of Krzysztof Makowski from 1999 to present, have provided valuable information to this topic. The excavations covers more than 6000 square meters of architectonic evidence in four of its five sections, including two residential structures of the elite, with palace features, and one temple located at the top of a mountain. Comparing the hypothetical households of two curacas, two residential elite homes and other residential units excavated in Pueblo Viejo-Pucara, show the common use of a central patio with wide open kitchens and areas of entertainment, such as structures next to the patio and porches facing it; which differentiate the elite ones from the commoners’ homes. The patio is the central area of public activity where offers were made during banquets and the food was served in a festive manner, including camelid and cervid meats, chicha served in fine ceramic ware. The main palace is differentiated from the rest of the residences, based on the presence of an ushnu with funerary chambers and two plazas that are related with the cult of two huancas and at least one rocky outcrop seen as a sacred huaca, with offerings of Spondylus princeps, gold and silver.
The recurrence in the use of enclosed courtyards and porches where people sat in the shade, back against the wall, and with platforms accessible only by ramps or stairs, are unique characteristics found in late period Andean structures. This particularity as well as some another features make difficult to understand the functions and uses of monumental architecture in the ancient Central Andes. The recent discussion about these architectural features found in prehispanic Andean palaces proves the common disagreements even with substantial archaeological evidence where seems not easy to distinct between governors main residences and temples. The investigations carried out at Pueblo Viejo-Pucará, "Lomas de Lurín" Archaeological Project-Field School, Convenio Cementos Lima S.A.-Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, under the direction of Krzysztof Makowski from 1999 to present, have provided valuable information to this topic. The excavations covers more than 6000 square meters of architectonic evidence in four of its five sections, including two residential structures of the elite, with palace features, and one temple located at the top of a mountain. Comparing the hypothetical households of two curacas, two residential elite homes and other residential units excavated in Pueblo Viejo-Pucara, show the common use of a central patio with wide open kitchens and areas of entertainment, such as structures next to the patio and porches facing it; which differentiate the elite ones from the commoners’ homes. The patio is the central area of public activity where offers were made during banquets and the food was served in a festive manner, including camelid and cervid meats, chicha served in fine ceramic ware. The main palace is differentiated from the rest of the residences, based on the presence of an ushnu with funerary chambers and two plazas that are related with the cult of two huancas and at least one rocky outcrop seen as a sacred huaca, with offerings of Spondylus princeps, gold and silver.
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