Los complejos de Cerro Ventarrón y Collud-Zarpán: del Precerámico al Formativo en el valle de Lambayeque
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Las investigaciones arqueológicas en el área del cerro Ventarrón y el complejo Collud-Zarpán, iniciadas en 2007, han permitido conocer las características del origen y florecimiento de la civilización en el valle de Lambayeque. El Templo o Huaca Ventarrón, ubicado al pie de la elevación del mismo nombre, fue el núcleo de un primigenio centro ceremonial cuya fase inicial ha sido fechada alrededor de 2035 a 2300 A.C. En esta zona también se ubica el sitio de Arenal, situado en la falda suroeste de cerro Ventarrón. Este conjunto presenta alrededor de 1 kilómetro cuadrado de arquitectura monumental del Periodo Arcaico. Por su parte, durante el Periodo Formativo —y, tal vez, desde el Periodo Inicial—, el complejo Collud-Zarpán, localizado al noroeste de Huaca Ventarrón, constituyó la capital teocrática del valle y abarcó más de 2 kilómetros cuadrados de arquitectura ceremonial repartida entre dos montículos alineados en sentido Este-Oeste.
Archaeological research at the Cerro Ventarrón and Collud-Zarpán complex, which began in 2007, has revealed the origins and emergence of early civilization in the Lambayeque Valley. The Huaca Ventarrón Temple was the core of a primeval ceremonial center whose first phase is dated around 2035-2300 BC. This center complex includes the archaeological site of Arenal, located on a hillslope to the southwest. The site has 1 square kilometer of Archaic Period monumental architecture. During the Formative Period, probably beginning in the Initial Period, the Collud-Zarpán site, situated at the northeast end of the Huaca Ventarrón Complex, was the valley’s theocratic capital. It covered more than 2 square kilometers of ceremonial architecture spread between two mounds aligned east to west.
Archaeological research at the Cerro Ventarrón and Collud-Zarpán complex, which began in 2007, has revealed the origins and emergence of early civilization in the Lambayeque Valley. The Huaca Ventarrón Temple was the core of a primeval ceremonial center whose first phase is dated around 2035-2300 BC. This center complex includes the archaeological site of Arenal, located on a hillslope to the southwest. The site has 1 square kilometer of Archaic Period monumental architecture. During the Formative Period, probably beginning in the Initial Period, the Collud-Zarpán site, situated at the northeast end of the Huaca Ventarrón Complex, was the valley’s theocratic capital. It covered more than 2 square kilometers of ceremonial architecture spread between two mounds aligned east to west.
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