Ecodinámicas humanas en Huaca 20: reevaluando el impacto de El Niño a finales del Periodo Intermedio Temprano
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Este artículo presenta evidencia de un mega El Niño ocurrido alrededor de ca. 600 d.C. registrada en el sitio arqueológico Huaca 20-Complejo Maranga. Se discute las dinámicas hombre-medio ambiente (ecodinámicas humanas), que pudieron haber sucedido a nes del Periodo Intermedio Temprano en este sitio y en otros asentamientos de los valles de Lima. Se compara también estos datos con información contemporánea procedente de la Costa Norte y se propone queeste periodo de stress ambiental pudo haber signicado un momento de oportunidad para las sociedades del Periodo Intermedio Temprano.
This article presents evidence of a mega Niño event that transpired around ca. 600 d.C. recovered at the archaeological site of Huaca 20-Complejo Maranga and discusses the human eco-dynamics that could have happened at the end of the Early Intermediate Period in this site and other settlements of the Lima Valleys. is information is compared with contemporary data from the North Coast. I propose that this period of environmental stress could have signied a time of opportunities for some societies of the Early Intermediate Period.
This article presents evidence of a mega Niño event that transpired around ca. 600 d.C. recovered at the archaeological site of Huaca 20-Complejo Maranga and discusses the human eco-dynamics that could have happened at the end of the Early Intermediate Period in this site and other settlements of the Lima Valleys. is information is compared with contemporary data from the North Coast. I propose that this period of environmental stress could have signied a time of opportunities for some societies of the Early Intermediate Period.
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