Arquitectura monumental precerámica de Bandurria, Huacho
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El sitio arqueológico de Bandurria corresponde a un asentamiento del Periodo Precerámico Tardío y es conocido desde la década de los setenta. Nuevas investigaciones, realizadas por el autor, han descubierto un sector de arquitectura monumental nunca antes reportado por investigadores previos. Este sector, de 20 hectáreas, presenta un total de 10 estructuras compuestas por cuatro montículos principales, con alturas de entre 8 a 12 metros, y seis estructuras menores que, probablemente, cumplieron funciones auxiliares o secundarias. El presente artículo da a conocer los trabajos de excavación en una de las estructuras principales, el Montículo 1, que revelaron una pirámide trunca y una plaza circular hundida construidas con cantos rodados unidos con argamasa de barro y que mantienen las mismas características y formas de la arquitectura monumental de otros sitios del mismo periodo.
The archaeological site of Bandurria, located near the modern town of Huacho, on the North-Central Peruvian coast, is a Late Preceramic settlement known since the 1970’s. However, new research has discovered an unreported sector with monumental architecture. This sector covers an area of 20 hectares and contains 10 structures divided into 4 main mounds of 8 to 12 meters high and 6 minor structures that had auxiliary or secondary functions. This article presents the archaeological excavation of one of the main structures, Mound 1. This excavation revealed a cobble and mud mortar truncated pyramid associated with a circular sunken plaza that reflects the same architectural features and forms of other Late Preceramic monumental architecture.
The archaeological site of Bandurria, located near the modern town of Huacho, on the North-Central Peruvian coast, is a Late Preceramic settlement known since the 1970’s. However, new research has discovered an unreported sector with monumental architecture. This sector covers an area of 20 hectares and contains 10 structures divided into 4 main mounds of 8 to 12 meters high and 6 minor structures that had auxiliary or secondary functions. This article presents the archaeological excavation of one of the main structures, Mound 1. This excavation revealed a cobble and mud mortar truncated pyramid associated with a circular sunken plaza that reflects the same architectural features and forms of other Late Preceramic monumental architecture.
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