El Periodo Inicial en Pernil Alto, Palpa, costa sur del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Con excepción de los materiales y contextos arqueológicos excavados en el sitio de Hacha, en el valle de Acarí, las evidencias disponibles sobre el Periodo Inicial en toda la costa sur del Perú se limitan a algunos hallazgos aislados y sin contextos definidos procedentes de yacimientos como Erizo, en el valle de Ica, Mastodonte, en la pampa de Villacurí (Ica), y Disco Verde, en la península de Paracas. Los datos y materiales de la cuenca de Río Grande están ausentes hasta el momento. Solo de manera reciente, con el desarrollo del Proyecto Arqueológico Nasca-Palpa, se han registrado nuevos sitios y evidencias sobre el Periodo Inicial en los valles de Palpa, los que proporcionan una nueva perspectiva sobre el proceso de desarrollo cultural que tuvo esta parte de la costa sur. De este modo, en el presente artículo se exponen y discuten los numerosos vestigios del Periodo Inicial recuperados en las excavaciones en el sitio de Pernil Alto, los que comprenden estructuras arquitectónicas, cerámica y otros materiales asociados. El análisis de estos elementos señala que, ya en ese tiempo, se habían dado las condiciones para el desarrollo estable y permanente de las poblaciones asentadas en la cuenca de Río Grande. Veinte fechados radiocarbónicos confirman, ampliamente, la posición cronológica de los contextos excavados en este complejo.
Apart from the materials and archaeological contexts excavated at Hacha in the Acarí Valley, until now evidence for the Initial Period along the southern coast of Perú were limited to some isolated findings that lacked well-defined contexts, e.g. from sites like Erizo in the Ica Valley, Mastodonte in the pampa of Villacurí (Ica) and Disco Verde on the Paracas Peninsula. There were no reported findings from the Río Grande of Nasca region. Only very recently, with the development of the Nasca-Palpa Archaeological Project, were sites and evidence for the Initial Period in the Palpa Valleys encountered. These provide new insights into and new perspectives on the process of cultural development for this part of the south coast. In this paper we present and discuss the numerous finds and findings of the Initial Period that have been recovered in the excavations at Pernil Alto, which include architectural structures, ceramics and other associated materials. The analysis of these findings indicates that already in this moment in time the conditions for the stable and permanent development of the populations settling in the Río Grande drainage were given. Twenty radiocarbon dates confirm the chronological position of the contexts excavated in Pernil Alto.
Apart from the materials and archaeological contexts excavated at Hacha in the Acarí Valley, until now evidence for the Initial Period along the southern coast of Perú were limited to some isolated findings that lacked well-defined contexts, e.g. from sites like Erizo in the Ica Valley, Mastodonte in the pampa of Villacurí (Ica) and Disco Verde on the Paracas Peninsula. There were no reported findings from the Río Grande of Nasca region. Only very recently, with the development of the Nasca-Palpa Archaeological Project, were sites and evidence for the Initial Period in the Palpa Valleys encountered. These provide new insights into and new perspectives on the process of cultural development for this part of the south coast. In this paper we present and discuss the numerous finds and findings of the Initial Period that have been recovered in the excavations at Pernil Alto, which include architectural structures, ceramics and other associated materials. The analysis of these findings indicates that already in this moment in time the conditions for the stable and permanent development of the populations settling in the Río Grande drainage were given. Twenty radiocarbon dates confirm the chronological position of the contexts excavated in Pernil Alto.
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