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ISSN: 1995-2929
e-ISSN: 2411-8834

La Revista IUS ET VERITAS fue fundada el 1 de junio de 1990 por la Asociación Civil del mismo nombre, integrada por estudiantes y egresados de la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Desde aquella fecha, IUS ET VERITAS ha desarrollado de manera ininterrumpida su labor de contribuir al conocimiento del Derecho y a la investigación, y promover el debate intelectual en las diferentes áreas de las ciencias jurídicas y en otras ramas del conocimiento. En aras de lograr ello, IUS ET VERITAS publica artículos de investigación jurídica e interdisciplinaria.

Además, la Revista tiene dos secciones: (i) Sección Principal y (ii) Sección General.

La Revista se encuentra incluida dentro de los siguientes índices, bases de datos, catálogos y directorios: Scopus, Latindex, Catálogo Latindex 2.0, Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP), European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIHPLUS), Dialnet, REDIB, CLASE, Google Scholar, EbscoHost, BASE, JournalTOCS, ExLibris, WorldCat, Vlex, ALICIA (Concytec), Catálogo Colectivo de las Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias (REBIUN), LatinREV, LA Referencia y Biblat.


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 28
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    La responsabilidad internacional de los Estados por anular o no reconocer laudos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Cantuarias Salaverry, Fernando; Repetto Deville, Jose Luis
    In the framework of international treaties, with special emphasis on theBilateral investment treaty (Bit), various responsibilities for states that comprise arise. However , what happens when the courts of a country interfere contrary to international standards in full force and effect of an award, the impact caused in that state and that leading to be internationally liable to a Bit or FtA are studied in this essay. the author further analyze jurisprudence of investment arbitration tribunals in cases Saipem v. Bangladesh, ATA v. Jordan Frontier Petroleum v. Czech Republic and White Industries v. India, also focuses on the case of Peru; and urges members of a treaty respect the rules of the game.
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    ¡Para qué te traje!: En busca de una regulación más protectora de los intereses difusos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Campos Ramírez, Raúl; Cruz Castillo, Manuel; Cornejo Arismendi, Jesús Francisco
    On this paper, the authors reflect over the article 82 of the Peruvian Procedural Law. that way, they debate over the defense of diffuse interests, specifically who are entitled to and how to reclaim them. then, they compare Peruvian law with other south American countries like uruguay and Brasil. Finally, they consider which would be the most adequate regulation for our society.
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    La Decisión de Expropiar
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Mejorada Chauca, Martín
    Property rights represent the maximum power over a good. This is the essence of that right. However, beyond that base is possible a greater or smaller degree of limitation, according to the legal system and the prevailing ideology in the Constitution. the author argues that it is essential to tie the concept to the prevailing economic system, because in a closed economy we can tolerate greater limitations on this right that in an open economy. Peru, certainly, changed its model to an open economy in 1993, when it limited the possibility of expropriation. However, this does not ensure eradication of different readings under the veil of a social interest, so the expropriation is only justified for the author if“its realization will positively affect to the entire society”.
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    El derecho comparado de la causalidad aquiliana
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Infantino, Marta
    this article analyzes the causal element of torts from the perspective of comparative law, focusing on the field of tort liability. Thus, it specifies both the particular aspects of the investigation as well as each legal system studied. then, the article discusses the differences and similarities of each system. Later, it stops on the dominant approaches examining its success on facing the tort phenomenon in order to highlight the essential characteristics that determine the various approaches tort liability can assume.
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    Delitos Informáticos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Villavicencio Terreros, Felipe A.
    In recent times, due to the development of information technology,a new form of crime called informational crimes has developed. in relation to this new type of crime, a special criminal law was issued, whose purpose is to prevent and punish illegal activities that affect computer systems and datas, secret communications, and other legal goods that are affected withthis type of crime, such as equity, public faith and sexual freedom.
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    Democracia y Derechos Humanos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Blancas Bustamante, Carlos
    Human rights and democracy are, today, indissoluble elements of the political reality. However, there are differences of origin and function between the two notions that they can, eventually, cause tensions and difficulties, especially when we try to attribute to the “majority principle” unlimited powers, including the determination and configuration, even pejorative, of the fundamental rights. this risk comes from adopting a purely “formal” or “procedural” conception of democracy, so it is necessary to affirm a “substantial” notion of it, in which fundamental rights are recognized. On the one hand, as a limit to the state power, whatever the source of legitimacy of it, and on the other hand, as indispensable ingredients for the free exercise of political rights on which democracy is based.
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    Entrevista a Lourdes Chau Quispe: Reflexiones y perspectivas en torno a las reformas tributarias en materia de procedimientos y procesos judiciales tributarios
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Rodríguez Alzza, Efraín
    In this interview, Dr. Chau shares some ideas about the tax reforms of the past two years and their implementation. In this way, the interview addresses the news that brought the introduction of partial audits, individual consultations and the procedures related to these. Then, it focuses on the role of the Tax Court in the implementation and consolidation of these new tax law institutions.
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    La tensión entre el trabajo y la vida familiar
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Mejía Madrid, Renato
    In this paper, the author presents the problem that thetension between work and family life represent. in that way, a gender perspective is used to analyze masculine and feminine roles in different work environments, and compare them with labor policies. the author concludes emphasizing the insufficiency of the actual policies, and then he suggests corresponsibility as a solution.
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    Reglas de responsabilidad: Una taxonomía económica
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Dari-Mattiacci, Giuseppe; Parisi, Francesco
    The analysis of tort law is one of the most well-developed applications of economic methodology in the study of law. in this essay, we provide an overview of the economic approach to tort law, analyzing the effects of liability rules on care incentives. We catalogue a variety of possible tort regimes, systematically breaking down possible assignments of liability in terms of primary and secondary rules, and describe how their permutations distribute the costs of accidents (and the concomitant incentives to exercise precautionary care). We further consider what factual circumstances may render one tort regime preferable to another from the perspective of policymakers.
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    La Elusión Fiscal y la Norma XVI del Título Preliminar del Código Tributario
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Tarsitano, Alberto
    The author analyzes a very important issue such as illegitimate tax avoidance. He begins by explaining the content of the concept of illegitimate tax avoidance, and also he points out the differences with other concepts like tax evasion and tax planning. Then, he comments the debate on the use of legal figures which doesn’t belong to Tax Law, in order to solve issue of illegitimate tax avoidance. Finally, he explains the scope and the application of the Peruvian general anti-avoidance rule stipulated in the Peruvian Tax Code.