URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/183575

ISSN: 1995-2929
e-ISSN: 2411-8834

La Revista IUS ET VERITAS fue fundada el 1 de junio de 1990 por la Asociación Civil del mismo nombre, integrada por estudiantes y egresados de la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Desde aquella fecha, IUS ET VERITAS ha desarrollado de manera ininterrumpida su labor de contribuir al conocimiento del Derecho y a la investigación, y promover el debate intelectual en las diferentes áreas de las ciencias jurídicas y en otras ramas del conocimiento. En aras de lograr ello, IUS ET VERITAS publica artículos de investigación jurídica e interdisciplinaria.

Además, la Revista tiene dos secciones: (i) Sección Principal y (ii) Sección General.

La Revista se encuentra incluida dentro de los siguientes índices, bases de datos, catálogos y directorios: Scopus, Latindex, Catálogo Latindex 2.0, Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP), European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIHPLUS), Dialnet, REDIB, CLASE, Google Scholar, EbscoHost, BASE, JournalTOCS, ExLibris, WorldCat, Vlex, ALICIA (Concytec), Catálogo Colectivo de las Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias (REBIUN), LatinREV, LA Referencia y Biblat.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 21
  • Ítem
    El paradigma constitucional del proceso civil. Bases teóricas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-05) Delgado Suárez, Christian
    This essay offers a feasible and verifiable theoretical basis for affirming what is called the fourth procedural paradigm, corresponding to the constitutional perspective of the civil procedure or the constitutionalization of it, as an overcoming of its previous classical and instrumentalist stages. To this end, through the interdisciplinary method, the research uses constitutional law, legal interpretation and procedural law to reshape the theoretical bases of the civil process and give it a constitutionalized value through the recognition of fundamental procedural rights as directly applicable norms containing optimization mandates. If it is a question of constitutionalizing the civil procedure, the essay, then, does not only seek the safe passage through the account of the so-called procedural guarantees. On the contrary, the functional or utility method applied to the same imposes that the contribution is to recognize the judge of the Constitutional State the duty of judicial protection even of the same fundamental procedural rights in the face of the defect or absence of rules that should implement and densify the principle of effective jurisdictional protection. This will make it possible to deconstruct and reconstruct concepts such as the fundamental right to effective judicial protection and the right of action, removing from them the slogan of mere guarantees that allow access to jurisdiction, to give them the character of optimization mandates directly executed by judges. It is, then, about the protection of the procedure, within the procedure, by the judge.
  • Ítem
    Legitimación en la ejecución, título ejecutivo y escisión societaria: una crítica a la “teoría de la afirmación”
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-05) Valenzuela, Gabriella; Cavani, Renzo
    This article aims to criticize the so-called “assertion theory” of civil procedure standing to sue, accepted by a significant part of the Peruvian jurisprudence, and consecrated by the Peruvian Civil Procedure Code. The paper seeks to show that this theory should be discarded since it has several conceptual problems, furthermore, it is not capable of giving an account of actual judicial practice when analyzing and deciding on the presence or absence of standing to sue. This becomes more noticeable in the field of judicial enforcement, and, to that extent, an example of corporate spin-off will be given to show that proving the existence of standing to sue concerning enforcement title can be complex, but that is essential for the judge to carry out this analysis.
  • Ítem
    Prueba informática: el problema de su fiabilidad
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-05) Alfaro Valverde, Luis
    The data contained in computer and technological devices are increasingly used as evidence in judicial processes, being decisive in the final decisions of judges. This is the so-called computer test. These are often valued uncritically as mere documentary evidence, without considering, among other things, their vulnerable and complex nature. Among the different problems that exist about this test, this study focuses specifically on those related to its reliability. Firstly, the aspects related to the nature of the computer test are examined, as well as its rational assessment. Then, the central question of its reliability is reviewed, related to the risk of its manipulation and its impact on it. Finally, some instruments are analyzed that allow their reliability to be adequately managed, such as expertise, the electronic signature and the intermediation of the notary in the certification of digital evidence.
  • Ítem
    Causalidad e imputación en la responsabilidad civil médica por infracción al deber de información en intervenciones médicas riesgosas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-06) Ugarte Mostajo, Daniel
    This paper addresses the problem of determining causation between a doctor’s breach of his duty to inform and injuries suffered by the patient as a consequence of the occurrence of uninformed risks. The paper criticizes the application of “hypothetical causality” as an explanatory figure for the causal link and also criticizes the idea of ‘hypothetical informed consent’ as a mechanism to exempt the liability of the defaulting doctor. Finally, the paper argues that the real problem in such case scenarios is not strictly a causation one, yet it has a normative and prudential nature. Accordingly, the solution does not require to establish a patient’s supposed a consent, but to correctly apply objective and subjective attribution criteria.
  • Ítem
    La teoría de la coautoría no ejecutiva e imputación penal a líderes de protestas sociales
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Chanjan Documet, Rafael
    The aim of this article is to analyses the theory of non-executive co-authorship and its viability as a criminal charge for leaders of social protests for crimes originating in this context. For this, a review of national and international jurisprudence and doctrine on the theory of non-executive co-authorship is carried out in order to show what concept of this figure is compatible with the traditional foundations of co-authorship. This, to then show when its application is possible, considering its dogmatic approaches and a human rights approach, in protest. In this regard, it is argued that it can only be charged under this title if there is sufficient evidence that shows that the social leader, under a common plan, participated in an essential and remote way in the executive phase of the attributed crime.
  • Ítem
    La regla de la previsibilidad de los daños al tiempo de contratar como elemento distintivo de la responsabilidad por incumplimiento contractual en el Derecho peruano
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Ugarte Mostajo, Daniel
    The remoteness rule constitutes a limit on quantum respondeatur that has not been well understood by national doctrine, which –from a unifying approach to different systems of civil liability– has come to question its usefulness and coherence with the full compensation principle. In this paper, this approach is debated and, based on a review of Comparative Law, a renewing conception of the rule is proposed that allows it to be understood as the distinctive element of liability for breach of contract and the fundamental criteria of objective attribution of damage in the Peruvian contract Law.
  • Ítem
    El control del contenido en contratos estandarizados. Análisis de la prohibición de cláusulas abusivas bajo el artículo 1399 del Código Civil peruano
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Vásquez Rebaza, Walter Humberto
    One of the most important –and controversial– ways in which the legislator intervenes in standardized contracts (i.e., contracts with general contracting clauses and adhesion contracts) lies in the possibility for jurisdictional authorities to control their contractual content. The purpose of this intervention is to eliminate or substitute clauses effectively incorporated in them for being abusive or vexatious. This paper examines the discipline of content control provided by Article 1399 of the Civil Code, a rule that, despite having been unjustly relegated by national scholars, has enormous potential to achieve the protective purposes set by our Substantive Code, when correctly understood.On this occasion, we will first analyze the various legal rules contained in Article 1399, as well as their respective hypotheses and consequences. This analysis will be complemented by a practical application to concrete cases, allowing an understanding of the functioning of the normative provision. Secondly, the basis and importance of the article in question will be discussed, as well as its potential to become a notion capable of eradicating dysfunctional stipulations beyond the brief definition established by the Peruvian legislator in 1984 in Article 1398. Thirdly and lastly, we will develop which are the justifying circumstances capable of neutralizing, in each specific case, the abstractly vexatious nature of an allegedly abusive clause under Article 1399. This analysis takes on special relevance since its treatment by national scholars has been almost nonexistent.
  • Ítem
    La regulación del Cannabis Medicinal en el Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-16) Loayza Ormachea, Carlos
    The article develops the current regulatory framework for Medical Cannabis in Peru. At first, it presents and develops certain key concepts to understand the medicinal properties of Cannabis and its components. Subsequently, it analyzes the relationship between the fundamental right to health and its elements with Medical Cannabis. Then, it analyzes both its legal and regulatory framework and, finally, it analyzes its deficiencies and offers proposals to improve it from a regulatory perspective.
  • Ítem
    Una revisión de la regulación de Obras por Impuestos en materia de solución de controversias y Dispute Boards
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-16) Tapia Benavente, Carlos
    This article will analyze the current regulation of the mechanism of Obras por Impuestos, specifically, the tools for dispute resolution and will evaluate the possibility of including Dispute Boards as a contribution to prevent and solve disputes in a timely manner, cost efficient, and to promote the use of Obras por Impuestos to reduce the infrastructure gap in Peru.
  • Ítem
    Razones por las cuales se debe preferir el régimen de contratos de Asociación Público Privada - APP a los Acuerdos de Gobierno a Gobierno - G2G en el Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-16) Sheput Stucchi, Humberto
    The success attained in the development of the essential infrastructure for the XVIII Pan American Games and the Sixth Parapan American Games of Lima 2019 has demonstrated a distinct shift in the approach embraced by the Peruvian State in the execution of infrastructure ventures. The utilization of public-private partnership contracts has been relinquished in favor of government-to-government agreements.Is the idea or alternative of prioritizing Government-to-Government agreements as the initial option the most suitable or advantageous for the Peruvian State? In this article, we will assess the benefits and drawbacks of both approaches and propose criteria to evaluate which scheme would be the most favorable depending on the nature of the project or infrastructure to be undertaken.