URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/183575

ISSN: 1995-2929
e-ISSN: 2411-8834

La Revista IUS ET VERITAS fue fundada el 1 de junio de 1990 por la Asociación Civil del mismo nombre, integrada por estudiantes y egresados de la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Desde aquella fecha, IUS ET VERITAS ha desarrollado de manera ininterrumpida su labor de contribuir al conocimiento del Derecho y a la investigación, y promover el debate intelectual en las diferentes áreas de las ciencias jurídicas y en otras ramas del conocimiento. En aras de lograr ello, IUS ET VERITAS publica artículos de investigación jurídica e interdisciplinaria.

Además, la Revista tiene dos secciones: (i) Sección Principal y (ii) Sección General.

La Revista se encuentra incluida dentro de los siguientes índices, bases de datos, catálogos y directorios: Scopus, Latindex, Catálogo Latindex 2.0, Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP), European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIHPLUS), Dialnet, REDIB, CLASE, Google Scholar, EbscoHost, BASE, JournalTOCS, ExLibris, WorldCat, Vlex, ALICIA (Concytec), Catálogo Colectivo de las Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias (REBIUN), LatinREV, LA Referencia y Biblat.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 3 de 3
  • Ítem
    La teoría de la coautoría no ejecutiva e imputación penal a líderes de protestas sociales
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Chanjan Documet, Rafael
    The aim of this article is to analyses the theory of non-executive co-authorship and its viability as a criminal charge for leaders of social protests for crimes originating in this context. For this, a review of national and international jurisprudence and doctrine on the theory of non-executive co-authorship is carried out in order to show what concept of this figure is compatible with the traditional foundations of co-authorship. This, to then show when its application is possible, considering its dogmatic approaches and a human rights approach, in protest. In this regard, it is argued that it can only be charged under this title if there is sufficient evidence that shows that the social leader, under a common plan, participated in an essential and remote way in the executive phase of the attributed crime.
  • Ítem
    Sobre la naturaleza del delito de colusión del artículo 384 del Código Penal: Análisis del debate jurisprudencial
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-12) Chanjan Documet, Rafael; Espinoza Marmolejo, Omar; Avendaño Cotrina, María Luisa; Santa María Alcázar, Felipe; Choque Moya, Alonzo; Gutiérrez Hinojosa, Lucrecia Samantha; Vega Malpartida, Adler Donnovan
    This article analyzes the nature of the crime of collusion regulated in article 384 of the Peruvian Penal Code, based on the recent jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Justice. The relationship between the illicit of the first paragraph of the aforementioned article -called “simple collusion”- and the second paragraph -called “aggravated collusion”, its protected objects and its nature of crimes of injury or danger will be examined. On this point, a critical analysis of some jurisprudential pronouncements will be made and a position will be adopted on the autonomous nature of both crimes in order to solve practical problems such as the moment of consummation of the crime, the attempt and criminal participation.
  • Ítem
    El delito de peculado y la apropiación de “gastos de representación” congresales
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-08-03) Chanjan Documet, Rafael; Quispe Meza, Daniel; Puchuri Torres, Flavio Cesar; Guevara Valera, Magnolia; Cano Tacza, Karenn; Borjas Torres, Patricia
    This article discusses whether the collection and non-return of “representation expenses” by Congressmen of the Republic of Peru may result in criminal liability for the crime of embezzlement of public funds when they do not do correctly the representation activity, since it would be a monetary amount that constitutes a public funds that has been entrusted to the public official for his administration by reason of his office. In this regard, the legal nature of “representation expenses” will also be analyzed in order to argue that they are in fact “travel expenses” who must be duly regularized.