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e-ISSN: 2304-4306

ECONOMÍA Journal was initially established as the “Revista Economía” of the Department of Economics of the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Peru (PUCP) in 1977. It is the oldest academic journal on economics in the country. Building on that legacy, ECONOMÍA has now been relaunched as an internationally refereed journal dedicated to publishing original academic research on economics in English, with an expanded and prestigious Editorial Board, as well as a large team of Associated Editors that guarantee the highest theoretical and methodological standards.

ECONOMÍA also offers a manuscript management platform that provides an eficient workflow among authors, associate editors and referees throughout the process of manuscript submission and evaluation. In this new stage, ECONOMÍA aspires to continue leading the progress of academic literature in the country as well as position itself in a prominent place in the Latin American region.


Search Results

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    Total Factor Productivity in the Manufacturing Sector of Peru: 2002-2007
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-12-20) Tello, Mario D.
    Based upon manufacturing sector data, this paper estimates the total factor productivity (TFP) for this sector with parametric and modern methods for the 2002-2007 period. Subject to data limitations and methods used, the estimations indicate that the TFP growth rate for a representative sample of up to 578 firms was low in the period analysed, without having contributed to the growth of manufacturing firms’ real production value. In addition, the TFP growth rate was greater for large firms (more than 100 employees) than for medium and small firms (less than 21 employees). In terms of industrial sectors, TFP growth rates were higher for primary processing and technology-intensive industries than for traditional industries (such as textiles, clothing and footwear), and the foodstuffs, tobacco, and beverages sectors. Lastly, though capital, employmentand installed capacity growth may explain the growth of manufacturing real output value for the period 2002-2007, the absence of TFP growth may jeopardize the sustainability of such a growth in the medium and long run.
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    Total Factor Productivity Estimation in Peru: Primal and Dual Approaches
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-08-25) Céspedes, Nikita; Ramírez-Rondán, Nelson
    In this paper we estimate total factor productivity (TFP) growth for the Peruvian economy usingthe primal and dual methods for the period 2003-2012. According to the primal method, a procedure that uses the Solow residual as an indicator of productivity, TFP grew at an average annual rate of 1.6%, adjusted for the quality and usage of the factors of production. According to the dual method, a procedure that considers estimations of the marginal productivities of the factors of production, TFP grew at an annual rate of 1.7%.
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    Las características del adulto mayor peruano y las políticas de protección social
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014) Olivera, Javier; Clausen, Jhonatan
    El presente documento busca, en primer lugar, realizar una caracterización de las condiciones socioeconómicas de la población de adultos mayores en el Perú con énfasis en la situación de pobreza y desprotección social de este segmento de población. El análisis de la Encueta Nacionalde Hogares (Enaho) 2011 revela que la mayor cantidad de personas mayores de 65 años que se encuentran en situación de extrema pobreza residen en la sierra rural. Del mismo modo, se observa que únicamente el 1% de adultos mayores pobres extremos tienen acceso a algún tipo de pensión; y que la mayor proporción adultos mayores en situación de pobreza extrema viven en hogares de 1 o 2 miembros, lo cual acentúa su vulnerabilidad. En segundo lugar, se realiza una revisión de las principales intervenciones de política orientadas a los adultos mayores en Perú, incluyendo políticasde gran escala como la pensión social Pensión 65 e intervenciones más acotadas relacionadas al bienestar general y derechos de los adultos mayores. Finalmente, revisamos la literatura y políticas dirigidas al adulto mayor de otros países y mostramos algunas evidencias se sus impactos, lo cual puede ser útil para proponer nuevos programas dirigidos a los adultos mayores en Perú.
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    Patentes de invención, nuevas tecnologías y la apropiación privada del conocimiento público
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005) Gelles, Jan-David
    In this working paper an examination is made of the logical balance of the deductive argument that commonly appears in various economic texts to justify a system of patents of invention. The examination mentioned should be applied in times of radical technological change in the world to avoid a priori extensions of the legal and institutional protection provided by a system of patents of invention based on past technological realities. The result of the examination shows partial lack of balance when proper account is taken of the financial expenses and coordination efforts by governments as well as of the free distribution of useful knowledge in the fields of biotechnology and the Internet. To refer to that non-legitimate appropriation of public knowledge by the private sector the term ‘epistemo-piracy’ is coined by analogy with ‘bio-piracy’ of common use. The fields of biotechnology and the Internet were chosen because they are preponderant to explain the rise in the number of patents of invention in the world.
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    Inflación, y retroalimentación inflacionaria
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1980) Beckerman, Paul
    no presenta resumen
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    Las políticas económicas del régimen de Fujimori: ¿un retorno al pasado?
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2001) Thorp, Rosemary; Zevallos, Graciela
    Después de describir sumariamente los periodos de crecimiento guiado por exportaciones, con algunas de sus fortalezas y debilidades -experimentados por la economía peruana antes de 1990- se presentan las reformas institucionales y de política del periodo de Fujimori, y se señalan cómo estas se interesaron por la obtención de financiamiento y por el control político, despreocupándose por el aspecto micro. Luego se hace una comparación entre el nuevo modelo y el modelo guiado por exportaciones del pasado, subrayando sus diferencias con respecto a las fuentes de dinamismo, los desiguales incentivos a los distintos sectores económicos, y al nuevo fenómeno de la privatización. Finalmente, se discuten los resultados del nuevo modelo en tres diferentes áreas. En el caso del crecimiento, se enfatiza la corta duración y fragilidades de la expansión dirigida por las exportaciones.
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    Sen, Amartya, Poverty and famines an essay on entitlement and deprivation, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1981
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1988) Garavito, Cecilia
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    Una mirada cuantitativa a la situación de pobreza de los hogares indígenas en el Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005) Trivelli, Carolina
    This document is based on the reading of collected by the surveys with the objective to relate the variables of poverty and ethnicity for the Peruvian case. One of its main results is that Peru is a country with an important indigenous population. Altogether the 33.7% of the Peruvian homes are indigenous homes, being the main ethnic group the one of Quechua speech (77% of the indigenous homes). These homes face indices of superior poverty mainly and extreme poverty that the non-indigenous homes: of the total of poor homes the 43.4% are indigenous, whereas the 52.4% of extreme the poor homes are indigenous. The obtained results show that although the being member of an indigenous home is related to the condition of poverty (the probability of being poor is greater 11% in the indigenous homes that in the non-indigenous homes), this relation varies from a region to another one, being narrower in area rural and nonexistent means in Metropolitan Lima. Also, along with the education, the experience and the region, the indigenous condition is excellent in the determination of the labor income, since the members of non-indigenous homes have labor income that practically double the income of the members of indigenous homes. But, the ethnic variable is not single in the characterization of the differences in the Peruvian homes, because in all the subjects treated in this document they appear two additional variables that are necessary to understand the differences: geographic location and gender.
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    EFRAIN GONZALES DE OLARTE, Inflación y campesinado: comunidades y microrregiones frente a la crisis.
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1987) Noejovich Chernoff, Héctor Omar
    No contiene resumen.
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    Balanza de pagos, deuda externa y crecimiento: el caso de la ecomomía brasileña
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1992) Canales, Gloria
    El artículo no presenta resumen.