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e-ISSN: 2304-4306

ECONOMÍA Journal was initially established as the “Revista Economía” of the Department of Economics of the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Peru (PUCP) in 1977. It is the oldest academic journal on economics in the country. Building on that legacy, ECONOMÍA has now been relaunched as an internationally refereed journal dedicated to publishing original academic research on economics in English, with an expanded and prestigious Editorial Board, as well as a large team of Associated Editors that guarantee the highest theoretical and methodological standards.

ECONOMÍA also offers a manuscript management platform that provides an eficient workflow among authors, associate editors and referees throughout the process of manuscript submission and evaluation. In this new stage, ECONOMÍA aspires to continue leading the progress of academic literature in the country as well as position itself in a prominent place in the Latin American region.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 18
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    Crecimiento, empleo y distribución del ingreso
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1989-03-15) Vega-Centeno, Máximo; Garavito, Cecilia
    El artículo no presenta resumen.
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    Cambios en la oferta laboral de la familia limeña
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2000) Garavito, Cecilia
    El artículo no presenta resumen.
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    Vulnerabilidad en el empleo, género y etnicidad en el Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2010) Garavito, Cecilia
    The objective of this research is to analyze the vulnerability in employment of urban labor force,by ethnicity and by sex, for the period 2004-2006. We define vulnerability in employment as theprobability that the labor market status of a worker worsens regarding his past situation. By meansof the ENAHO (INEI) panel urban data for 2004-2006, we find that women, young people,workers older than 45 years old, and those with less education are most vulnerable to leaving thelabor force, or to losing the quality of their job. Education of good quality is important to reducethese vulnerabilities.
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    Distribución del excedente laboral entre autoempleo y desempleo
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1995) Garavito, Cecilia
    El artículo no presenta resumen
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    Sen, Amartya, Poverty and famines an essay on entitlement and deprivation, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1981
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1988) Garavito, Cecilia
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    Responsabilidad social empresarial y mercado de trabajo
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008) Garavito, Cecilia
    The objective of this article is to analyze the reason why Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies in Peru focus on issues related to the community and the environment, neglecting labor issues. CSR labor programs are those who aim to offer a «productive and decent work, under conditions of freedom, equality, safety and human dignity». After an exhaustive review of the theoretical literature and the analysis of CSR policies in Peru, we believe that the reason for the low interest on CSR labor policies is the lack of demand from society for such policies. We state the existence of a social necessities hierarchy where, due to the poverty level and the weakness of our institutional system, labor rights are considered a luxury good. In this context, the interest on poverty and environmental issues, even if it has an internal component, is also associated to the demand from developed countries and multinational firms. We can say the same thing about today’s debate about labor rights and free trade agreements.
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    Oferta laboral y producto: 1970-1 999
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2001) Garavito, Cecilia
    El objetivo de este artículo es explorar los cambios en la fuerza laboral ante variaciones del producto, tanto para el caso de cambios en el volumen de la fuerza laboral como para cambios en la tasa global de actividad. Sobre la base de un análisis de series de tiempo encontramos que la fuerza laboral limeña tiene un comportamiento básicamente procíclico, lo cual lleva a que su volumen se incremente en el auge, determinando una menor efectividad de las políticas de generación de empleo. Esto determina una relativa estabilidad de la tasa de desempleo que está también asociada a la existencia de un sector de autoempleo, el cual absorbe los excedentes de fuerza laboral del sector moderno. Adicionalmente, encontramos que la sensibilidad de la fuerza laboral femenina con respecto de los cambios en el producto es mayor que el agregado, resultado esperado dado que la mayoría mujeres no son jefas de hogar y constituyen fuerza laboral secundaria en el contexto familiar. Finalmente, encontramos que la respuesta de la fuerza laboral ante cambios en el producto es menor en el agregado a partir de la década del 90, a pesar de que la sensibilidad en la participación laboral femenina es mayor en dicho período. Este resultado está asociado con una caída y una menor variabilidad en la participación laboral de los varones.---The objective of this article is to explore the changes in the labor force due to variations of the product, both for changes in the volume of labor force and for changes in the global rate of activity. By means of a time series analysis we find that the labor force in Lima has a basically procyclical behavior, which leads to an increase in its volume when product rices, hindering employment generating policies' effectiveness. This determines a relative stability of the unemployment rate, which is also associated to the existence of a self-employment sector, which absorbs the excesses of labor force of the modern sector. Additionally we find that the sensitivity of women labor force with respect to changes in product is greater than the aggregate, awaited result since most women are not household heads, and constitute secondary labor force in the farnily. Finally, we find that the sensitivity of labor force to changes in product is smaller in the aggregate during the 90's, even though sensitivity in women labor force participation is greater during this period. This result is associated with the fall and smaller variability in the men labor force participation in the same decade.
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    Determinantes del Desempleo en Lima Metropolitana, 1970-1996
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1998) Garavito, Cecilia
    El artículo no presenta resumen.
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    Sobre el diferencial de salarios por sexo: un estudio de la población asalariada de Lima metropolitana
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1990) Garavito, Cecilia
    El objetivo de este artículo es investigar si existe un diferencial de salarios por sexo para el caso de la población asalariada de Lima Metropolitana. Para ello tomaremos como base los datos de la Encuesta de Niveles de Empleo de 1981, llevada a cabo por la Dirección General de Empleo del Ministerio de Trabajo; Nos interesa además explicar tanto los aspectos económicos como los factores no económicos que pudieran intervenir en la determinación de las tasas salariales femenina y masculina, los cuales podrían estar explicando la presencia y ausencia de un diferencial salarial.
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    Empleo y desempleo: un análisis de la elaboración de estadísticas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1999) Garavito, Cecilia
    The series of .employment and unemployment are fundamental pieces for the analysis of the effects of the economic policy on the well being of households. The divergence between which the public perceives like a problem of lack of employment and what the government affirms, that the problem is only one of low income, makes it necessary to review these series. Two are the problems mentioned on the quality of the series in our country. In the first place, the almost continuous growth of employment as measured by the series obtained from the National Survey of Households. (NSH), as opposed to the descend of the employment in the modern sector, measured by the series obtained from the Survey of Variation of Employment (SVE). Reasons that could be explaining this divergence to a certain extent are: differences in the universes of the sources used, faults in the registration of temporary employment and changes in the questionnaires of the surveys, the sample cover and its design. Secondly, the little variation of the rate of open unemployment and its low level, which would be explained by slants in the processing of the NSH, by the way to measure the indicator, and by the problem not yet solved of hidden unemployment.