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e-ISSN: 2955-8697

La revista Kaylla es un proyecto del Departamento Académico de Artes Escénicas de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) que tiene como objetivo fomentar, promover y difundir la reflexión académica sobre y desde las artes escénicas. Kaylla se propone ser una ventana de la investigación artística en nuestra universidad y una caja de resonancia de lo que pasa en el medio escénico tanto en el Perú como en la región.

La revista tiene dos tipos de convocatoria: permanente y temática. Para la convocatoria permanente se reciben artículos durante el año y, conforme van llegando los textos, se someten a evaluación de pares. Si tienen una valoración positiva, se publican a lo largo del año. Además, nuestra edición temática tiene periodicidad anual y se publica en el mes de noviembre. Todos los artículos son originales y se someten a un sistema de revisión de pares doble ciego antes de ser publicados. La revista se difunde en línea y se puede acceder al texto completo de los manuscritos de forma gratuita.

Kaylla, palabra quechua asociada a borde, orilla y lindero, que no solo demarca un espacio de otro, sino que pone énfasis en lo fronterizo como zona de transición y contacto activo. Desde ese concepto, proponemos que Kaylla sea ese espacio de encuentro reflexivo que nos permita vincularnos con la multiplicidad de posibilidades de abordar la investigación escénica y la creación


Search Results

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  • Item
    Teatro en crisis/Crisis en el teatro
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-11-02) Benza, Rodrigo
    Rustom Bharucha é um estudioso do mundo, e sua maneira de estudá-lo é através do teatro. Tem desenvolvido pesquisas sobre performance cultural através das categorias de intercultural e intracultural (Bharucha, 1993, 2000), história oral, representações tradicionais e, mais recentemente, sobre o fenômeno do terror em relação à performance (Bharucha, 2014). Durante os dois primeiros anos da pandemia, produziu uma videoconferência de 9 capítulos intitulada Theatre and the Coronavirus sobre diferentes aspectos da pandemia em relação à prática teatral e performática. Este vídeo foi produzido pelo International Research Center/Interweaving Performance Cultures, Berlim, Alemanha. Mais recentemente, ele publicou um longo ensaio intitulado The Second Wave: Reflections on the Pandemic through Photography, Performance and Public Culture (2022).
  • ItemUnknown
    El Teatro Bunraku:
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-11-02) Brazhnikova Tsybizova, Violetta
    The object of this research work is one of the three great traditional genres of Japanese theatre, the Bunraku puppet theatre. Throughout this research, it is presented how and where the puppet theatre emerged in Japan, and the reasons why its structure changed substantially in the 18th century are observed. The circumstances surrounding the change of the name of this theatrical genre in the 19th century are also analyzed. As among scholars this theatrical genre is considered one of the sources of the Kabuki theatre, in this article the parallel development during the 17th and 18th centuries of the Bunraku puppet theatre and the Kabuki theatre, in which human performers are involved, is observed. For this reason, in this work both theatrical genres are mentioned and their similarities and the most outstanding differences between them are examined. Likewise, the figure of Chikamatsu Monzaemon, one of the most important playwrights on the Japanese scene, is briefly presented, and his influence in establishing the aesthetic values ​​that continue to govern puppet theater in the 21st century is delved into. Some of the similar manifestations in the field of the performing arts in Spain are also considered, and the influence that the Bunraku theatre has exerted on them is presented.
  • ItemUnknown
    La presencia del sikuri metropolitano en las protestas de noviembre del 2020 y dos de sus melodías
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-11-02) Serrano Finetti, Francisco Javier
    This article provides a brief description of the practice of siku and its “artivism” during the demonstrations that occurred in Lima during the month of November 2020. The transcription and analysis of two musical products of their activity will be carried out. The scores below will also allow us to appreciate the melodic movement of the voice (similar to that performed by the sikus) and the bass drums. The lyrics will shed light on the values they transmit in their speech and the musical analysis will give an idea of how they manage to keep the attention of the listening public if we consider some characteristics of the instrument.